Our peace [η ε ι ρ η ν η η μ ω ν]. Christ is similarly described in abstract terms in 1 Corinthians 1:30; wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption. So Colossians 1:27, hope of glory. Christ is thus not merely our peace - maker, but our very peace itself.

Both [τ α α μ φ ο τ ε ρ α]. Lit., the both. The neuter gender shows that Jews and Gentiles are conceived by the writer merely as two facts. The masculine is used in vers. 15, 16.

Hath broken down [λ υ σ α ς]. Lit, loosened or dissolved. Rev., giving the force of the aorist tense, brake down. The participle has an explanatory force, in that He brake down.

The middle - wall of partition [τ ο μ ε σ ο τ ο ι χ ο ν τ ο υ φ ρ α γ μ ο υ]. Lit., the middle wall of the fence or hedge. The wall which pertained to the fence; the fact of separation being emphasized in wall, and the instrument of separation in fence. The hedge was the whole Mosaic economy which separated Jew from Gentile. Some suppose a reference to the stone screen which bounded the court of the Gentiles in the temple.

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Old Testament