To the intent that. Connect with the matter of the two preceding verses. Grace was given me to preach Christ and to enlighten men as to the long - hidden mystery of the admission of the Gentiles, in order that now, etc.

Now. In contrast with all ages.

Principalities and powers. Good angels. See on ch. Ephesians 1:21.

By the Church [δ ι α]. Better, through, as Rev. By means of the Church. This agrees with what was said of the Church as the fullness of God, ch. 1 23.

Manifold wisdom [π ο λ υ π ο ι κ ι λ ο ς σ ο φ ι α]. A very striking phrase. The adjective occurs only here, and means variegated. It is applied to pictures, flowers, garments. Poikilon is used in the Septuagint of Joseph's coat, Genesis 37:3. Through the Church God's wisdom in its infinite variety is to be displayed - the many - tinted wisdom of God - in different modes of power, different characters, methods of training, providences, forms of organization, etc.

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Old Testament