Rooted and grounded [ε ρ ρ ι ζ ω μ ε ν ο ι κ α ι τ ε θ ε μ ε λ ι ω μ ε ν ο ι].

Compare Colossians 2:7, and see note. Grounded or founded, from qemelion foundation. The dwelling in ver. 17 would naturally suggest the foundation. Rooting and grounding are consequences of the strengthening of the Spirit and of Christ's indwelling.

In love. Standing first in the sentence and emphatic, as the fundamental principle of christian life and knowledge.

May be able [ε ξ ι σ χ υ σ η τ ε]. Rev., may be strong. This compound verb occurs only here. The preposition ejx has the force of fully or eminently. Iscuv is strength embodied; inhering in organized power. Hence it is an advance on dunamei might in ver. 16 (see note). Paul prays that the inward might or virtue may issue in ability to grasp. Compare Luke 14:30; Luke 16:3; Acts 27:16; James 5:16, and see notes. 169 Comprehend [κ α τ α λ α β ε σ θ α ι]. To English readers this conveys the meaning understand. Rev., better, apprehend : grasp. See on John 1:5, and compare Philippians 3:12; Philippians 3:13.

Breadth, etc. No special interpretations are to be given to these words. The general idea of vastness is expressed in these ordinary terms for dimension. Notice that the article is attached only to the first, breadth, all the rest being included under the one article; the intention being to exhibit the love of Christ in its entire dimension, and not to fix the mind on its constituent parts.

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Old Testament