Galatians 4:1

Now I say [λ ε γ ω δ ε]. Introducing a continued, explanatory discussion. Comp. chapter Galatians 3:17; Galatians 5:16; 1 Corinthians 1:12. The heir [ο κ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ο ς]. See on inheritance, 1 Peter 1:4. The article is generic as in the mediator, chapter Galatians 3:20. A child [ν η π ι ο ς]. A... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:2

Tutors [ε π ι τ ρ ο π ο υ ς]. Better, guardians. See on Luke 8:3. Only here in Paul. A general term, covering all to whom supervision of the child is intrusted, and should not be limited to paidagwgov (chapter Galatians 3:24). See 2 Macc. 11 1; 13 2; 14 2. Govenors [ο ι κ ο ν ο μ ο υ ς] Better stew... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:3

We. Not Jewish Christians only, but all Christians. For in verse 5, Jewish Christians are distinctly characterized as those under the law, while the following we, subjects of Christian adoption, points back to the we in this verse. Again, elements of the world is too wide a conception to suit the la... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:4

Fullness of the time [τ ο π λ η ρ ω μ α τ ο υ χ ρ ο ν ο υ]. The moment by which the whole pre - messianic period was completed. Comp. Ephesians 1:10. It answers to the time appointed of the Father (verse 2). For plhrwma see on John 1:16. The meaning of the word is habitually passive - that which is... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:5

To redeem [ι ν α ε ξ α γ ο ρ α σ η]. See on chapter Galatians 3:13. To redeem from the dominion and curse of the law. The means of redemption is not mentioned. It cannot be merely the birth of Christ of a woman and under the law. These are mentioned only as the preliminary and necessary conditions o... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:6

Because ye are sons [ο τ ι]. For oti in this sense at the beginning of a clause see Romans 9:7; 1 Corinthians 12:15; John 14:19; John 20:29. The emphasis is on sons. The spirit would not be given is ye were not sons. Others take oti as demonstrative, as a proof that ye are sons; but examples of such... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:7

Servant [δ ο υ λ ο ς]. Bondservant. See on Matthew 20:26; Mark 9:35; Romans 1:1. Then an heir [κ α ι κ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ο ς]. Kai marks the logical sequence. Comp. Romans 8:17. The figure is based upon Roman, not upon Jewish, law. According to Roman law, all the children, sons and daughters, inherited... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:8

Over against their filial freedom in Christ, Paul sets their lapse into subjection to the elements of the world (verse 3). Knew not God. See on 2 Thessalonians 1:8. Ye did service [ε δ ο υ λ ε υ σ α τ ε]. Better, were in bondage or were slaves. By nature [φ υ σ ε ι]. Not denying their existence (c... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:9

Rather are known of God. Rather corrects the first statement, have known God, which might seem to attach too much to human agency in attaining the knowledge of God. The divine side of the process is thrown into the foreground by are known, etc. Known does not mean approved or acknowledged, but simpl... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:10

Ye observe [π α ρ α τ η ρ ε ι σ θ ε]. See on Mark 3:2, and John 18:12, and comp. Joseph. Ant 3:5, 5, parathrein tav eJbdomadav to watch the weeks. The word denotes careful, scrupulous observance, an intent watching lest any of the prescribed seasons should be overlooked. A merely legal or ritual rel... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:11

I am afraid of you [φ ο β ο υ μ α ι υ μ α ς]. Not a felicitous translation, though retained by Rev. Rather, "I am afraid for you or concerning you." The second uJmav is not attracted into the principal clause so as to read, "I am afraid lest I have bestowed labor," etc. The two clauses are distinct.... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:12

Be as I am [γ ι ν ε σ θ ε ω ς ε γ ω]. Better, become as I am; free from the bondage of Jewish ordinances. I am as ye are [κ α γ ω ω ς ε γ ω]. Rather, I became. Supply ejgenomhn or gegona. Become as I am, for I became a Gentile like you. Comp. Philippians 3:7 , Philippians 3:8. For the phrase gines... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:13

Ye know [ο ι δ α τ ε δ ε]. The A. V. omits de which is wanting in some Mss. De not oppositional as commonly explained : "Ye did not injure me, but on the contrary ye know, etc. "; but introducing an explanation of ye did not injure me by reference to the fact that they might easily have been moved t... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:14

My temptation which was in my flesh [τ ο ν π ε ι ρ α σ μ ο ν υ μ ω ν ε ν τ η σ α ρ κ ι μ ο υ]. The correct reading is peirasmon uJmwn your temptation. The trial to which they were subjected by his bodily infirmity (verse 13), and which might have tempted them to treat him with indifference. Ye despi... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:15

Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? [π ο υ ο υ ν ο μ α κ α ρ ι σ μ ο ς υ μ ω ν]. Makarismov, P o. Comp. Romans 4:6; Romans 4:9. Not blessedness, but pronouncing blessed, felicitation. "What had become of your self gratulation on my presence and teaching?" Ye spake of is an attempt to render u... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:16

Therefore [ω σ τ ε]. Better, so then : seeing that your love for me has waned. Your enemy [ε χ θ ρ ο ς υ μ ω ν]. 'Ecqrov enemy, in an active sense, as is shown by the next clause. Not passive, an object of hatred, which would have the pronoun in the dative. Because I tell you the truth [α λ η θ ε... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:17

They zealously affect you (zhlousin uJmav). They are zealously paying you court in order to win you over to their side. Affect, in this sense, is obsolete. It is from affectare, to strive after, earnestly desire. So Shaks. Tam. of Shr. 1 1 40 : "In brief, sir, study what you most affect." Ben Johns... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:18

It is good - in a good thing. Zhlousqai to be zealously sought, in the same sense as before. It is passive. It is good for you Galatians to be zealously sought. In a good thing [ε ν κ α λ ω] answers to ouj kalwv not honorably, verse 17. In a good matter - the interest of the gospel. Thus Paul would... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:19

My little children [τ ε κ ν ι α μ ο υ]. Only here in Paul, but often in John. See John 13:33; 1 John 2:1; 1 John 2:12; 1 John 2:28; 1 John 3:7; 1 John 3:18, etc. 74 See on chapter Galatians 3:26. I travail in birth again [π α λ ι ν ω δ ι ν ω]. Better as Rev. of whom I am again in travail. Wdinw only... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:20

I desire [η θ ε λ ο ν]. Better, I could wish, the imperfect tense referring to a suppressed conditional clause, as if it were possible. Comp. Acts 25:22; Romans 9:3. To change my voice [α λ λ α ξ α ι τ η ν φ ω ν η ν μ ο υ]. To address you, not with my former severity, so as to make you think me you... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:21

Tell me. He plunges into the subject without introduction, and with a direct appeal. Desire [θ ε λ ο ν τ ε ς]. Are bent on being under the law. See on verse 9. Under the law [υ π ο ν ο μ ο ν]. For nomov with and without the article, see on Romans 2:12. Here, unquestionably, of the Mosaic law. Hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:22

For [γ α ρ]. Your determination to be under the law is opposed by Scripture, if you will understand it, for it is written, etc. A bondmaid [τ η ς π α ι δ ι σ κ η ς]. The bondmaid, indicating a well known character, Hagar, Genesis 16:3. The word in Class. means also a free maiden; but in N. T. alway... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:23

Was born [γ ε γ ε ν ν η τ α ι]. Has been born, or is born : perfect tense, treating the historical fact as if present. After the flesh [κ α τ α σ α ρ κ α]. According to the regular course of nature. Very common in Paul. By promise [δ ι ε π α γ γ ε λ ι α ς]. Most editors retain the article, the pro... [ Continue Reading ]

Galatians 4:24

Are an allegory [ε σ τ ι ν α λ λ η γ ο ρ ο υ μ ε ν α]. N. T. o. Lit. are allegorised. From allo another, ajgoreuein to speak. Hence, things which are so spoken as to give a different meaning from that which the words express. For parable, allegory, fable, and proverb, see on Matthew 13:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

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