Tutors [ε π ι τ ρ ο π ο υ ς]. Better, guardians. See on Luke 8:3. Only here in Paul. A general term, covering all to whom supervision of the child is intrusted, and should not be limited to paidagwgov (chapter Galatians 3:24). See 2 Macc. 11 1; 13 2; 14 2.

Govenors [ο ι κ ο ν ο μ ο υ ς] Better stewards. Lat. dispensatores. More special than guardians, signifying those who had charge of the heir's property. See on Luke 16:1. In later Greek it was used in two special senses :

1. The slave whose duty it was to distribute the rations to the other slaves : so Luke 12:42.

2. The land - steward : so Luke 16:1. Comp. Romans 16:23, oJ oijkonomov thv polewv, commonly rendered city - treasurer : A. V. chamberlain. 66 In Lucian, Alex. 39, the Roman procurators, or fiscal administrators, are called Kaisarov oijkonomoi; comp. Ezra 4:49; Esther 8:9. The dispensator in the Roman household had charge of the accounts and made the payments (see Cicero, ad Att 11 1; Juv. James 1:91). He was commonly a slave. Christian teachers are called "stewards of the mysteries of God" and "of the grace of God" (1 Corinthians 4:1; 1 Peter 4:10), as those who have received the counsels of God and impart them to men. A bishop or overseer is also called "a steward of God" (Titus 1:7).

The time appointed [π ρ ο θ ε σ μ ι α ς]. N. T. o. o LXX In Athenian law the term limited for bringing actions and prosecutions. Proqesmiav nomov a statute of limitations. It was also applied to the time allowed a defendant for paying damages, after the expiration of which, if he had not paid, he was called uJperhmerov, or ejkproqesmov, or uJperproqesmov one who had gone over his day of payment. Whether Paul's figure assumes that the father is dead or living is a point which does not affect his argument. It is not easy to decide. As Alford justly remarks : "the antitype breaks through the type and disturbs it, as is the case wherever the idea of inheritance is spiritualised." Proqesmia an appointed time for the termination of the minority, would seem to imply that the father is conceived as living; since, if he were dead, that matter would be regulated by statute. 67

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Old Testament