Bear ye one another's burdens : every man shall bear his own burden. A kind of paradox of which Paul is fond. See Philippians 2:12; Philippians 2:13; 2 Corinthians 6:8-10; 2 Corinthians 7:10; 2 Corinthians 12:10. Paul means, no one will have occasion to claim moral superiority to his neighbor, for [γ α ρ] each man's self - examination will reveal infirmities enough of his own, even though they may not be the same as those of his neighbor. His own burdens will absorb his whole attention, and will leave him no time to compare himself with others.

His own burden [τ ο ι δ ι ο ν φ ο ρ τ ι ο ν]. For idion own, see on 1 Timothy 6:1. With fortion burden comp. barh burdens, ver. 2. It is doubtful whether any different shade of meaning is intended. Originally barh emphasizes the weight of the burden, fortion simply notes the fact that it is something to be born [φ ε ρ ε ι ν], which may be either light or heavy. See Matthew 11:30; Matthew 23:4; Psalms 37:4; Luke 11:46. Comp. Acts 27:10, the lading of a ship.

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Old Testament