God. Both stages of the revelation were given by God.
At sundry times [π ο λ υ μ ε ρ ω ς]. Rend. in many parts. N.
T. o. o LXX, but polumerhv Wisd. 7 22. In the first stage of his
revelation, God spake, not at once, giving a complete revelation of
his being and will; but in many separate revelation... [ Continue Reading ]
In these last times [ε π]. Lit. at the last of these days. The exact
phrase only here; but comp 1 Peter 5:20 and Jude 1:18. LXX, ejp'
ejscatou twn hJmerwn at the last of the days, Numbers 24:14;
Deuteronomy 4:30; Jeremiah 23:20; Jeremiah 25:18; Daniel 10:14. The
writer conceives the history of the w... [ Continue Reading ]
Being [ω ν]. Representing absolute being. See on John 1:1. Christ's
absolute being is exhibited in two aspects, which follow : The
brightness of his glory [α π α υ γ α σ μ α τ η ς δ ο ξ
η ς α υ τ ο υ]. Of God's glory. For brightness rend.
effulgence. jApaugasma, N. T. o. LXX, only Wisd. 7 26. o Clas... [ Continue Reading ]
The detailed development of the argument is now introduced. The point
is to show the superiority of the agent of the new dispensation to the
agents of the old - the angels and Moses. Christ's superiority to the
angels is first discussed.
Being made so much better than the angels [τ ο σ ο υ τ ω κ ρ
ε... [ Continue Reading ]
The writer proceeds to establish the superiority of the Son to the
angels by O. T. testimony. It is a mode of argument which does not
appeal strongly to us. Dr. Bruce suggests that there are evidences
that the writer himself developed it perfunctorily and without much
interest in it. The seven follo... [ Continue Reading ]
Third quotation, marking the relation of angels to the Son. And again,
when he bringeth in, etc. [ο τ α ν δ ε π α λ ι ν ε ι σ
α γ α γ η]. Const. again with bringe th in. "When he a second
time bringeth the first - begotten into the world." Referring to the
second coming of Christ. Others explain aga... [ Continue Reading ]
Fourth quotation, Psalms 103:4, varies slightly from LXX in
substituting a flame of fire for flaming fire.
Who maketh his angels spirits [ο π ο ι ω ν τ ο υ ς α γ γ
ε λ ο υ ς α υ τ ο υ π ν ε υ μ α τ α]. For spirits
rend. winds 169 This meaning is supported by the context of the Psalm,
and by John 3:8... [ Continue Reading ]
Fifth quotation, Psalms 45:7; Psalms 45:8. A nuptial ode addressed to
an Israelitish king. The general sense is that the Messiah's kingdom
is eternal and righteously administered.
Thy throne, O God [ο θ ρ ο ν ο ς σ ο υ ο θ ε ο ς]. I
retain the vocative, although the translation of the Hebrew is
dou... [ Continue Reading ]
Iniquity [α ν ο μ ι α ν]. Lit. lawlessness.
Hath anointed [ε χ ρ ι σ ε ν]. See on Christ, Matthew 1:1. The
ideas of the royal and the festive unction are combined. The thought
includes the royal anointing and the fullness of blessing and
festivity which attend the enthronement.
Oil of gladness [ε... [ Continue Reading ]
Sixth quotation (10 - 12), exhibiting the superior dignity of the Son
as creator in contrast with the creature. Psalm ci. 26 - 28. The Psalm
declares the eternity of Jahveh.
And - in the beginning [κ α ι κ α τ α ρ χ α ς]. And
connects what follows with unto the Son he saith, etc., ver. 8. Kat'
ajrc... [ Continue Reading ]
They [α υ τ ο ι]. The heavens : not heaven and earth.
Remainest [δ ι α μ ε ν ε ι ς]. Note the present tense : not
shalt remain. Permanency is the characteristic of God in the absolute
and eternal present.... [ Continue Reading ]
Vesture [π ε ρ ι β ο λ α ι ο ν]. Only here and 1
Corinthians 11:5. From periballein to throw around : a wrapper,
Shalt thou fold them up [ε λ ι ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ο υ ς].
Rather, roll them up. A scribal error for ajllaxeiv shalt change.
After these words the LXX repeats wJv iJmation as a garment... [ Continue Reading ]
Seventh quotation, Psalms 109. No one of the angels was ever enthroned
at God's right hand.
Sit [κ α θ ο υ]. Or be sitting, as distinguished from ejkaqisen,
ver. 3, which marked the act of assuming the place.
On my right hand [ε κ δ ε ξ ι ω ν μ ο υ]. Lit. "from my
right hand." The usual formula is... [ Continue Reading ]
Ministering spirits [λ ε ι τ ο υ ρ γ ι κ α π ν ε υ μ
α τ α]. Summing up the function of the angels as compared with
Christ. Christ's is the highest dignity. He is co - ruler with God.
The angels are servants appointed for service to God for the sake of
[δ ι α] the heirs of redemption. Leitourgika mi... [ Continue Reading ]