A little while [μ ι κ ρ ο ν ο σ ο ν ο σ ο ν]. Strictly, a very little while. The phrase N. T. o. It is not part of the quotation, but is taken from Isaiah 26:20, the only instance. See Aristoph. Wasps, 213.

He that shall come will come [ο ε ρ χ ο μ ε ν ο ς η ξ ε ι]. Rend. "he that cometh will come." In the Hebrew (Habakkuk 2:3) the subject of the sentence is the vision of the extermination of the Chaldees. "The vision - will surely come." As rendered in the LXX, either Jehovah or Messiah must be the subject. The passage was referred to Messiah by the later Jewish theologians, and is so taken by our writer, as is shown by the article before ejrcomenov. Comp. Matthew 11:3; Matthew 21:9; John 11:27. Similarly he refers hxei shall come to the final coming of Messiah to judge the world.

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Old Testament