Hebrews 12:1

Therefore [τ ο ι γ α ρ ο υ ν]. An emphatic particle, strongly affirming the facts on which the following exhortation is based. We also are compassed [κ α ι η μ ε ι ς]. According to this the sense would be, those described in ch. 11 were compassed with a cloud of witnesses, and we also are so compas... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:2

Looking [α φ ο ρ ω ν τ ε ς]. Only here and Philippians 2:28. In LXX see 4 Macc. 17 10. Looking away from everything which may distract. Comp. Philippians 3:13; Philippians 3:14, and ajpeblepen he had respect, lit. looked away, Hebrews 11:26. Wetstein cites Arrian, Epictet. 2 19, 29 eijv ton Qeon ajf... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:3

For consider [α ν α λ ο γ ι σ α σ θ ε γ α ρ]. Gar for introduces the reason for the exhortation to look unto Jesus. Look unto him, for a comparison with him will show you how much more he had to endure than you have. Analogizesqai N. T. o. Comp. 3 Macc. 7 7. It means to reckon up; to consider in the... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:4

Unto blood [μ ε χ ρ ι ς α ι μ α τ ο ς]. Your strife against sin has not entailed the shedding of your blood, as did that of many of the O. T. worthies, and of Jesus himself. See ch. Hebrews 11:35; Hebrews 11:37. Of Jesus it is said, Philippians 2:8, " he became obedient to the extent of death [μ ε χ... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:5

Ye have forgotten [ε κ λ ε λ η σ θ ε]. N. T. o. Common in Class., o LXX The simple verb lanqanein means to escape notice; to be unseen or unknown. Middle and passive, to let a thing escape; forget. Some render interrogatively, "have ye forgotten?" Speaketh unto you [υ μ ι ν δ ι α λ ε γ ε τ α ι]. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:6

He chasteneth [π α ι δ ε υ ε ι]. See on Luke 23:16. Scourgeth [μ α σ τ ι γ ο ι]. Not very common, but found in all the four Gospels. Hebrews only here. Quite often in LXX Receiveth [π α ρ α δ ε χ ε τ α ι]. Admits to filial privileges : acknowledges as his own. Of receiving the word of God, Mark 4:... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:7

If ye endure chastening [ε ι ς π α ι δ ε ι α ν υ π ο μ ε ν ε τ ε]. Rend. "it is for chastening that ye endure." A. V. follows the reading of T. R. eij if. Do not faint at affliction. Its purpose is disciplinary. Paideia is here the end or result of discipline. In ver. 5 it is the process. God deale... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:8

Of which all are partakers [η ς μ ε τ ο χ ο ι γ ε γ ο ν α σ ι π α ν τ ε ς]. Rend. "of which all have been made partakers." For metocoi partakers see on ch. Hebrews 3:14. All, that is, all sons of God. Bastards [ν ο θ ο ι]. N. T. o. See Wisd. 4 3. They might think that they would not suffer if they... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:9

Furthermore [ε ι τ α]. Everywhere else in N. T. this particle marks a succession of time or incident. See Mark 4:17; Mark 8:25; Luke 8:12; 1 Corinthians 14:5; 1 Corinthians 14:7. Here it introduces a new phase of the subject under discussion. Fathers of our flesh [τ ο υ ς μ ε ν τ η ς σ α ρ κ ο ς η μ... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:10

Much difficulty and confusion have attached to the interpretation of this verse, growing out of : (a) the relations of the several clauses; (b) the meaning of for a few days, and how much is covered by it. The difficulties have been aggravated by the determination of commentators to treat the vers... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:11

No chastening for the present seemeth [π α σ α μ ε ν π α ι δ ε ι α π ρ ο ς μ ε ν τ ο π α ρ ο ν ο υ δ ο κ ε ι]. Lit. all chastening - doth not seem. Pasa of all sorts, divine and human. The A. V., by joining ouj not to pasa all, and rendering no chastisement, weakens the emphasis on the idea every ki... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:12

Wherefore [δ ι ο]. Because chastening is thus necessary, and serves for wholesome discipline, and issues in holiness.. Lift up [α ν ο ρ θ ω σ α τ ε]. Found in Luke 13:13; Acts 14:16 [χ ι τ ν]. Occasionally in LXX It signifies to set up, make, erect. In O. T. to establish, as a throne (2 Samuel 7:13;... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:13

Make straight paths for your feet [τ ρ ο χ ι α ς ο ρ θ α ς π ο ι ε ι τ ε τ ο ι ς π ο σ ι ν υ μ ω ν]. After the LXX of Proverbs 4:26. The corresponding Hebrew means to tear, to cut into : hence to cut through as a path; to make firm or plain. Orqov N. T. Only here and Acts 14:10; commonly straight or... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:14

Follow peace [ε ι ρ η ν η ν δ ι ω κ ε τ ε]. Comp. LXX, Psalms 23:14, and Romans 14:19; 1 Peter 3:11. The verb is used of the pursuit of moral and spiritual ends, Romans 9:30; Romans 9:31; Romans 12:13; 1 Corinthians 14:1; Philippians 3:12;... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:15

Looking diligently [ε π ι σ κ ο π ο υ ν τ ε ς]. A. V. gives diligently as the force of ejpi; but ejpi signifies direction rather than intensity. The idea is exercising oversight. Only here and 1 Peter 5:2. Fail of [υ σ τ ε ρ ω ν α π ο]. Rend. "fall back from," implying a previous attainment. The pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:16

Fornicator [π ο ρ ν ο ς]. In the literal sense, as always in N. T. Profane person [β ε β η λ ο ς]. See on 1 Timothy 1:9. As Esau. Only the epithet profane is applied to Esau, not fornicator. For one morsel of meat [α ν τ ι β ρ ω σ ε ω ς μ ι α ς]. Brwsiv, lit. the act of eating, as 1 Corinthians 8:4... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:17

He found no place of repentance [μ ε τ α ν ο ι α ς γ α ρ τ ο π ο ν ο υ χ ε υ ρ ε ν]. The phrase place of repentance N. T. o. This does not mean that Esau was rendered incapable of repentance, which is clearly contradicted by what follows; nor that he was not able to persuade Isaac to change his mind... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:18

Following this allusion to Esau, and perhaps suggested by it, is a passage setting forth the privileges of the Christian birthright and of Christian citizenship in contrast with those under the old covenant. The mount that might be touched and that burned with fire [ψ η λ α φ ω μ ε ν ω κ α ι κ ε κ α... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:19

Sound of a trumpet [σ α λ π ι γ γ ο ς η χ ω]. See Exodus 19:16; Exodus 19:19; Exodus 20:18. Hcov a noise, almost entirely in Luke and Acts. See Luke 4:37; Acts 2:2; comp. LXX, 1 Samuel 14:19. Of the roar of the waves, Luke 21:25; comp. LXX, Psalms 64:7;... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:20

That which was commanded [τ ο δ ι α σ τ ε λ λ ο μ ε ν ο ν]. See on Mark 7:36; Acts 14:24. Touch [θ ι γ η]. Elsewhere in N. T. only ch. 11 28 and Colossians 2:21. LXX only Exodus 19:12. It implies a touching or grasping which affects the object (comp. ver. 18 on yhlafan). In Class. often of touching... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:21

The sight [τ ο φ α ν τ α ζ ο μ ε ν ο ν]. N. T. o. LXX, Wisd. 6 16; Sir. 31 5. Rend. "the appearance" : that which was made to appear. I exceedingly fear and quake [ε κ φ ο β ο ς ε ι μ ι κ α ι ε ν τ ρ ο μ ο ς]. Lit. I am frightened away (or out) and trembling. Ekfobov only here and Mark 9:6. Comp. L... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 12:22

The heavenly Jerusalem. See on Galatians 4:26. The spiritual mountain and city where God dwells and reigns. Comp. Dante Inf 1:128 : "Quivi e la sua cittade, e l'alto seggio." 242 Comp. Psalms 2:6; Psalms 48:2; Psalms 48:3; Psalms 50:2; Psalms 78:68; Psalms 110:2; Isaiah 18:7;... [ Continue Reading ]

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