Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith [δ ι ο κ α θ ω ς λ ε γ ε ι τ ο π ν ε υ μ α τ ο α γ ι ο ν]. See on ch. Hebrews 1:6. The formula the Spirit the holy (Spirit) is common in the N. T. with the exception of the Catholic Epistles, where it does not occur. The construction of the passage is as follows : Dio wherefore is connected with blepete take heed, ver. 12. The point is the writer's warning, not the warning of the citation. The whole citation including the introductory formula, down to rest, ver. 11, is parenthetical. Today if ye will hear his voice [σ η μ ε ρ ο ν ε α ν τ η ς φ ω ν η ς α υ τ ο υ α κ ο υ σ η τ ε]. The Hebrew reads, O that you would hear his voice today. Today is prophetically interpreted by the writer as referring to the Christian present, the time of salvation inaugurated by the appearance of Christ.

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Old Testament