Harden not [μ η σ κ λ η ρ υ ν η τ ε]. In N. T. mostly in this epistle. Comp. Acts 19:9; Romans 9:18, see note. The group of kindred words consists of sklhrov hard (see on Matthew 25; Matthew 24; Jude 1:14); sklyrothv hardness (Romans 2:5); sklhrunein to harden (Acts 19:9; Romans 9:18); and the compounds sklhrokardia hardness of heart (Matthew 19:8; Mark 10:5), and sklhrotrachlov stiff - necked (Acts 7; Acts 5). All occur in LXX, with the addition of sklhrwv hardly, painfully (not in N. T.). In the provocation [ε ν τ ω π α ρ α π ι κ ρ α σ μ ω]. Only here and ver. 15. In LXX only Psalms 94:8. The verb parapikraineinto provoke, only in ver. 16. Often in LXX The simple verb pikrainein to make bitter, Colossians 3:19; Revelation 8:11; Revelation 10:9; Revelation 10:10. From pikrov bitter, pungent : hence to stir up to bitterness, to irritate. Comp. LXX Ezekiel 2:4. In the day (kata thn hJmeran). Kata in a temporal sense, as Acts 12:1; Acts 19:23; Acts 27:27. Comp. kat' ajrcav in the beginning, ch. 1 10. Of temptation [τ ο υ π ε ι ρ α σ μ ο υ]. Rend. "of the temptation," referring to a definite event, the murmuring against Moses at Rephidim on account of the lack of water, Exodus 17:1-7. In that passage the LXX gives for the two proper names Massah and Meribah, peirasmov temptation, which is correct, and loidorhsiv railing or reviling, which is loose, since Meribah signifies strife. 181 In Psalms 94, LXX renders Meribah parapikrasmov provocation, which is inexact, and Massah peirasmov temptation, which is correct.

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Old Testament