When [ο υ]. Rend. where. See ou= after erhmov wilderness, Deuteronomy 8:15.

Tempted me, proved me [ε π ε ι ρ α σ α ν ε ν δ ο κ ι μ α σ ι α]. Lit. tried (me) in proving. The text differs from LXX, which reads ejpeirasan, ejdokimasan tempted, proved, as A. V. The phrase here means tempted by putting to the test. Comp. ejkpeirazein to tempt or try with a view to seeing how far one can go. See on 1 Corinthians 10:9.

And saw my works [κ α ι ε ι δ ο ν τ α ε ρ γ α μ ο υ]. Some construe my works with both verbs : tried and saw my works : but it is better to supply me after ejpeirasan tempted, to take works with saw only, and to give kaithe force of and yet (see on Luke 18:7). "They tempted and yet saw my works;" although they saw my works. The Hebrew is "tried me, proved me, yea saw my works."

Forty years. In LXX this is connected with saw my works. In the Hebrew forty years begins the next clause.

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Old Testament