Hebrews 4:1

Being left [κ α τ α λ ε ι π ο μ ε ν η ς]. Still remaining : not being neglected. It is not a reason for fearing that is given, but a circumstance connected with the thing to be avoided. As there is now left a promise, let us fear. Being left announces the thought which is afterward emphasized, and o... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:2

For unto us was the gospel preached [κ α ι γ α ρ ε σ μ ε ν ε υ η γ γ ε λ ι σ μ ε ν ο ι]. Lit. we have had good tidings proclaimed to us. The translation of the A. V. is unfortunate, since it conveys the technical and conventional idea of preaching the gospel, which is entirely out of place here. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:3

For we which have believed do enter into rest [ε ι σ ε ρ χ ο μ ε θ α γ α ρ ε ι ς τ η ν κ α τ α π α υ σ ι ν ο ι π ι σ τ ε υ σ α ν τ ε ς]. I say by faith, for, we believers, who embraced the Christian faith when it was offered to us (note the aorist participle), do enter into the rest. jEisercomeqa ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:4

What was implied in the preceding verse is now stated. Did rest from all his works [κ α τ ε π α υ σ ε ν α π ο π α ν τ ω ν τ ω ν ε ρ γ ω ν α υ τ ο υ]. The verb only in Hebrews and Acts 14:18. Works, plural, following LXX The Hebrew has work.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:5

In this place [ε ν τ ο υ τ ω]. The passage already cited, ver. 3. It is cited again to show that the rest was not entered into.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:6

The rest was not appropriated by those under Moses, nor, in the full sense, by those under Joshua, nor in David's time. It remaineth that some must enter therein [α π ο λ ε ι π ε τ α ι τ ι ν α ς ε ι σ ε λ θ ε ι ν ε ι ς α υ τ η ν]. jApoleipetai "remains over from past times." The promise has not bee... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:7

Again he limiteth a certain day (palin tina oJrizei hJmeran). For limiteth rend. defineth. For the verb see on declared, Romans 1:4. The meaning is, he gives another opportunity of securing the rest, and calls the period in which the opportunity is offered today. In David. The date of the compositi... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:8

But it might be said that under Joshua the people did enter into the promised rest. He therefore shows that Israel's rest in Canaan did not fulfill the divine ideal of the rest. Jesus [ι η σ ο υ ς]. Rend. Joshua, and see on Matthew 1:21. After this [μ ε τ α τ α υ τ α]. After the entrance into Cana... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:9

There remaineth therefore a rest [α ρ α α π ο λ ε ι π ε τ α ι σ α β β α τ ι σ μ ο ς]. Remaineth, since in the days of neither Moses, Joshua, or David was the rest appropriated. He passes over the fact that the rest had not been entered into at any later period of Israel's history. Man's portion in t... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:10

Only in such a Sabbath - rest is found the counterpart of God's rest on the seventh day. For he that is entered into his rest [ο γ α ρ ε ι σ ε λ θ ω ν ε ι ς τ η ν κ α τ α π α υ σ ι ν α υ τ ο υ]. Whoever has once entered. 183 His God 's. The aorist marks the completeness of the appropriation - once... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:11

This promise of rest carries with it a special responsibility for the people of God. Let us labor therefore [σ π ο υ δ α σ ω μ ε ν ο υ ν]. For the verb, see on Ephesians 4:3. Give diligence, not hasten, which is the primary meaning. That rest [ε κ ε ι ν η ν τ η ν κ α τ α π α υ σ ι ν]. The Sabbath -... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:12

The exhortation is enforced by reference to the character of the revelation which sets forth the rest of God. The message of God which promises the rest and urges to seek it, is no dead, formal precept, but is instinct with living energy. The word of God [ο λ ο γ ο ς τ ο υ θ ε ο υ]. That which God s... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 4:15

389. Katesqiein or katesqein to devour is used of the sword, Deuteronomy 32:42; 2 Samuel 2:26; Isaiah 31:8; Jeremiah 2:30, etc. Macaira sword, in Class. a dirk or dagger : rarely, a carving knife; later, a bent sword or sabre as contrasted with a straight, thrusting sword, xifov (not in N. T. but oc... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament