Doctrine of baptisms [β α π τ ι σ μ ω ν δ ι δ α χ η ν]. 192 Not laying again as a foundation the teaching [δ ι δ α χ η ν] of baptisms. baptismov only here, ch. 9 10, and Mark 7:4. The common form is baptisma. Neither word in LXX or Class. The meaning here is lustral rites in general, and may include the baptism of John and Christian baptism. The teaching would cover all such rites, their relations and comparative significance, and it would be necessary in the case of a Jewish convert to Christianity who might not perceive, for example, any difference between Jewish lustrations and Christian baptism.

Laying on of hands. See on 1 Timothy 4:14. A Jewish and a Christian practice.

Resurrection - eternal judgment. Both resurrection and future judgment were Jewish tenets requiring exposition to Jewish converts as regarded their relations to the same doctrines as taught by Christianity. The resurrection of Christ as involving the resurrection of believers would, of itself, change the whole aspect of the doctrine of resurrection as held by a Few. jAiwniou eternal certainly cannot here signify everlasting. It expresses rather a judgment which shall transcend all temporal judgments; which shall be conducted on principles different from those of earthly tribunals, and the decisions of which shall be according to the standards of the economy of a world beyond time. See additional note on 2 Thessalonians 1:9. The phrase eternal judgment N. T. o. Comp. krima to mellon the judgment to come, Acts 24:25.

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Old Testament