But now [ν υ ν δ ε]. Nunis logical : as the case now stands. The statement of ver. 4 is taken up. "If he were on earth he could not be a priest," etc., but now, since Christ is a priest, and must have a sanctuary and an offering, he has a more excellent ministry.

He hath obtained a more excellent ministry [δ ι α φ ο ρ ω τ ε ρ α ς τ ε τ υ χ ε ν λ ε ι τ ο υ ρ γ ι α ς]. The ministry of the heavenly sanctuary.

He is the mediator of a better covenant [κ ρ ε ι τ τ ο ν ο ς ε σ τ ι ν δ ι α θ η κ η ς μ ε σ ι τ η ς]. For mesithv mediator, see on Galatians 3:19. Both here and in the following chapter, the ideas of the sanctuary and the covenant are closely united. God's covenant was embodied in the sanctuary. The ark was "the ark of the covenant "; the tables of the law were" the tables of the covenant. " The essence of a covenant is the establishment of a relationship. The sanctuary was the meeting - place of God and man. The ritual of sacrifice adjusted the sinner's relation to a holy God. All the furniture and all the ordinances of the tabernacle assumed the covenant between God and his people. Thus the two ideas belong together. The minister of the Levitical sanctuary was the mediator of the old covenant. A new covenant implies a new ministry, a better covenant implies a better ministry. Christ's priesthood implies a sanctuary. The new sanctuary implies a new covenant. This covenant is a better covenant because it Was established upon better promises [ε π ι κ ρ ε ι τ τ ο σ ι ν ε π α γ γ ε λ ι α ι ς ν ε ν ο μ ο θ ε τ η τ α ι]. For established rend. enacted. Nomoqetein to enact a law, only here and ch. 7 11. A few times in LXX : Nomoqesia enacting, only Romans 9:4 nomoqethv lawgiver, only James 4:12. The better covenant was enacted as truly as was the law. See ver. 10. The new covenant was a new law - the perfect law, the law of liberty, James 1:25.

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Old Testament