The impotence of the gifts and sacrifices lay in the fact that they were only symbolic ordinances.

Which stood in [ε π ι]. The passage should be read thus : "according to which are offered gifts and sacrifices which cannot perfect the worshipper as touching the conscience, being mere ordinances of the flesh on the ground of [ε π ι ρ ε σ τ ι ν γ υ π ο ν] meats," etc.

Meats and drinks and divers washings [β ρ ω μ α σ ι ν κ α ι π ο μ α σ ι ν κ α ι δ ι α φ ο ρ ο ι ς β α π τ ι σ μ ο ι ς]. Brwmasin, clean and unclean meats. pomasin drinks, concerning which the Levitical law laid down no prescriptions except as to abstinence in the case of a Nazarite vow, and of the priests when they were about to officiate. See Numbers 6:3; Leviticus 10:9. For baptismoiv washings see on ch. Hebrews 6:2.

And carnal ordinances [δ ι κ α ι ω μ α τ α σ α ρ κ ο ς]. Omit and. The phrase is a general description of meats, etc. Lit. ordinances of the flesh. Imposed [ε π ι κ ε ι μ ε ν α]. Some interpreters find in this the suggestion of a burden, which these ceremonial observances assuredly were. Comp. Acts 14:10. This, however, is not probable.

Until the time of reformation [μ ε χ ρ ι κ α ι ρ ο υ δ ι ο ρ θ ω σ ε ω ς].

Diorqwsiv N. T. o, o LXX, occasionally in Class. Diorqwma correction, amendment, Acts 24:2. Diorqwsiv lit. making straight : used by medical writers of straightening a distorted limb. The verb diorqoun (not in N. T.) in LXX of mending one's ways, Jeremiah 7:3; Jeremiah 7:5; Wisd. 9 18. Of setting up or establishing, Isaiah 16:5; Isaiah 42:7. "The time of reformation" is the Christian age, when God made with his people a better covenant. It was inaugurated by the death of Christ. See on ch. Hebrews 1:2. The gifts and offerings were only provisional, to tide the people over to the better time.

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Old Testament