The efficacy of Christ's sacrifice is bound up with a covenant. His priesthood involves a new and a better covenant. See ch. Hebrews 8:6-13. That covenant involves his death.

For this cause [δ ι α τ ο υ τ ο]. Indicating the close relation between the cleansing power of Christ's blood and the new covenant.

Mediator of the new testament [δ ι α θ η κ η ς κ α ι ν η ς μ ε σ ι τ η ς]. For the new testament rend. a new covenant. See on next verse. For mesithv mediator, see on Galatians 3:19; Galatians 3:20.

By means of death [θ α ν α τ ο υ γ ε ν ο μ ε ν ο υ]. Rend. a death having taken place.

For the redemption of the transgressions [ε ι ς α π ο λ υ τ ρ ω σ ι ν τ ω ν π α ρ α β α σ ε ω ν]. The phrase redemption of transgressions (that is, from transgressions) only here. jApolutrwsiv in N. T. mostly absolutely : the redemption, or your redemption, or simply redemption. Twice with genitive of that which is redeemed, Romans 8:23; Ephesians 1:14. Only once in LXX, Daniel 4:32. For parabasiv transgression, see on Romans 2:23.

Under the first testament [ε π ι]. On the basis of : estimated according to the standard of the provisions of the first covenant, and to be atoned for in the way which it prescribed. By this expression he emphasizes the insufficiency of every other atoning provision, selecting the system which represented the most elaborate and complete atonement for sin prior to Christ. The intimation is in the same direction with that of the phrase through an eternal spirit - that the ideal redemption must be eternal. They which are called [ο ι κ ε κ λ η μ ε ν ο ι]. Without regard to nationality. The scope of the new covenant was wider than that of the old. Comp. Acts 2:39. In ch. 3 1, the readers are addressed as "partakers of a heavenly calling," which corresponds with "eternal inheritance" here. Those who obtain this inheritance are designated as "called." See Ephesians 1:18; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; 1 Peter 3:9.

Of eternal inheritance [τ η ς α ι ω ν ι ο υ κ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ι α ς]. Rend. "the eternal inheritance" : something recognized as a fact. For klhronomia inheritance, see on 1 Peter 1:4, and comp. Ephesians 1:14. The whole statement implies that the provisions of the Levitical system were inadequate to procure and insure full salvation.

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Old Testament