For where a testament is [ο π ο υ γ α ρ δ ι α θ η κ η]. "The English Version has involved this passage in hopeless obscurity by introducing the idea of a testament and a testator." This statement of Rendall (Epistle to the Hebrews, p. 159) is none too strong. That interpretation, however, is maintained by a very strong array of modern expositors. 212 It is based upon klhronomia inheritance; it being claimed that this word changes the whole current of thought. Hence it is said that the new covenant established by Christ is here represented as a testamentary disposition on his part, which could become operative in putting the heirs in possession of the inheritance only through the death of Christ. See Additional Note at the end of this chapter.

There must also of necessity be the death of the testator [θ α ν α τ ο υ α ν α γ κ η φ ε ρ ε σ θ α ι τ ο υ δ ι α θ ε μ ε ν ο υ]. Rend. it is necessary that the death of the institutor (of the covenant) should be born. With the rendering testament, feresqai is well - nigh inexplicable. If covenant the meaning is not difficult. If he had meant to say it is necessary that the institutor die, he might better have used genesqai : " it is necessary that the death of the institutor take place "; but he meant to say that it was necessary that the institutor die representatively; that death should be born for him by an animal victim. If we render testament, it follows that the death of the testator himself is referred to, for which qanatou feresqai is a very unusual and awkward expression.

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Old Testament