The historical facts are summed up, emphasizing one point - cleansing by blood.

Almost all things [σ χ ε δ ο ν - π α ν τ α]. The A. V. is wrong. Sxedon almost or nearly is prefixed to the entire clause, and applies to both its members. Rend. "and I may almost say, it is in blood," etc. Almost provides for such exceptions as Exodus 19:10; Exodus 32:30-32; Exodus 5:11-13; Leviticus 14:5; Leviticus 16:26-28; Leviticus 22:6; Numbers 16:46-48; Numbers 31:23; Numbers 31:24; Psalms 51:1-17; Psalms 32:1; Psalms 32:2. And without shedding of blood is no remission [κ α ι χ ω ρ ι ς α ι μ α τ ε κ χ υ σ ι α ς ο υ γ ι ν ε τ α ι α φ ε σ ι ς]. This sentence also is covered by "I may almost say." It does not state that without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, which "would be in conflict with the history and literature of the Old Testament." 214 See exceptions above. aimatekcusia shedding of blood, N. T. o, o LXX, o Class. Ouj ginetai afesiv, lit. remission does not take place or ensue. For afesiv see on James 5:15; most frequent in Luke and Acts. In Hebrews only here and ch. 10 18. Commonly with a genitive, in the phrase remission of sins : but sometimes absolutely as here, Mark 3:29; Luke 4:18.

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