But. Omitted in A. V. In pursuing this perfection you will find yourselves lacking in wisdom. One may say, "I know not how to become perfect;" but, if any man, etc.

Lack. Note the repetition.

Of God that giveth [τ ο υ δ ι δ ο ν τ ο ς θ ε ο υ]. The Greek puts it so that giving is emphasized as an attribute of God. Lit., "Ask of the giving God," or of "God the giver."

Liberally [α π λ ω ς]. Only here in New Testament. Literally the word means simply, and this accords with the following negative clause, upbraiding not. It is pure, simple giving of good, without admixture of evil or bitterness. Compare Romans 12:8, where a kindred noun is used : " He that giveth let him do it with simplicity [ε ν α π λ ο τ η τ ι] Compare, also, Proverbs 10:22. Men often complicate and mar their giving with reproach, or by an assumption of superiority.

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Old Testament