Go to. See on ch. James 4:13.
Weep and howl [κ λ α υ σ α τ ε ο λ ο λ υ ζ ο ν τ ε
ς]. Lit., weep, howling. The latter is a descriptive word, ol - ol -
uz - o. Only here in New Testament, and denoting a more demonstrative
and passionate expression of grief than weeping.
Miseries [τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ι α... [ Continue Reading ]
Are corrupted [σ ε σ η π ε ν]. Only here in New Testament.
Are moth - eaten [σ η τ ο β ρ ω τ α γ ε γ ο ν ε ν].
Lit., have become moth - eaten. Only here in New Testament, but
compare skwlhkobrwtov, eaten of worms, Acts 12:23; and see Matthew
6:19; Matthew 6:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is cankered [κ α τ ι ω τ α ι]. Only here in New Testament,
from ijov, rust, as in the following sentence. Also poison, as ch. 3
8. The preposition kata indicates thoroughness, completely rusted.
Flesh [τ α ς σ α ρ κ α ς]. The noun is plural : the fleshy
parts of the body. So Sept. (2 Kings 9:36) :... [ Continue Reading ]
Reaped down [α μ η σ α ν τ ω ν]. Only here in New Testament.
The primary meaning is to reap corn; also in classical Greek of mowing
down in battle. The secondary, which some mistake for the primary
sense, is to gather, as for harvest. Rev., mowed.
Fields [χ ω ρ α ς]. The more general word, place, f... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye have lived in pleasure [ε τ ρ υ φ η σ α τ ε]. Only here
in New Testament. See on 2 Peter 2:13, on the kindred noun trufh, riot
or revel. Rev., ye have lived delicately.
Been wanton [ε σ π α τ α λ η σ α τ ε]. Only here and 1
Timothy 5:6.
'Etrufhsate denotes dainty living : this word, luxurious o... [ Continue Reading ]
Be patient [μ α κ ρ ο θ υ μ η σ α τ ε]. From makrov,
long, and qumov, soul or spirit but with the sense of strong passion,
stronger even than ojrgh, anger, as is maintained by Schmidt ("
Synonymik "), who describes qumov as a tumultuous welling of the whole
spirit; a mighty emotion which seizes and... [ Continue Reading ]
Grudge not [μ η σ τ ε ν α ζ ε τ ε]. Better, as Rev., murmur
not. The verb means to sigh or groan.
Standeth before the doors. In the act of entering.... [ Continue Reading ]
Example [υ π ο δ ε ι γ μ α]. See on 2 Peter 2:6.
Of suffering affliction [κ α κ ο π α θ ε ι α ς]. Only here
in New Testament. The word does not mean the endurance of affliction,
but affliction itself. Hence, Rev., rightly, suffering.
The prophets. Compare Matthew 5:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Endure [υ π ο μ ε ν ο ν τ α ς]. Present participle. But the
later texts read uJpomeinantav, the aorist participle, which endured;
referring to the prophets in the past ages. So Rev. On endured and
patience, see on ver. 7. The end of the Lord [τ ο τ ε λ ο ς κ
υ ρ ι ο υ]. A peculiar expression. The ha... [ Continue Reading ]
Any other oath. See the common formulas of swearing, Matthew 5:35;
Matthew 5:36.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is afflicted [κ α κ ο π α θ ε ι]. See on the kindred word
kakopaqeia, suffering, ver. 10. Only here and 2 Timothy 2:3; 2 Timothy
2:9; 2 Timothy 4:5.
Let him sing psalms [ψ α λ λ ε τ ω]. The word means, primarily,
to pluck or twitch. Hence of the sharp twang on a bowstring or harp -
string, and so t... [ Continue Reading ]
The sick [τ ο ν κ α μ ν ο ν τ α]. Rev. gives, better, the
participial force, him that is sick. The word originally means to
work. Hence, "him that is laboring under disease."
And if he have committed sins [κ α ν α μ α ρ τ ι α ς η π
ε π ο ι η κ ω ς]. The Greek gives a shade of meaning which can
hard... [ Continue Reading ]
Confess [ε ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ ε ι σ θ ε]. The preposition ejx,
forth out, implies full, frank, open confession, and so in every case
of its use in the New Testament. See on Matthew 3:6.
Faults [π α ρ α π τ ω μ α τ α]. See on Matthew 6:14.
The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ... [ Continue Reading ]
A man [α ν θ ρ ω π ο ς]. The generic word; human like
ourselves, this thought being emphasized by the succeeding epithet of
like passions. See the same expression, Acts 14:15.
Of like passions [ο μ ο ι ο π α θ η ς]. Only here and Acts
14:15. There is some danger of a misunderstanding of this render... [ Continue Reading ]