John 12:3

A pound [λ ι τ ρ α ν]. Only here and John 19:39. Matthew and Mark, ajlabastron, a flask. Of spikenard [ν α ρ δ ο υ π ι σ τ ι κ η ς]. So Mark. See on Mark 14:3. Very precious [π ο λ υ τ ι μ ο υ]. Literally, of much value. Matthew has barutimou, of weighty value. Anointed. See on 11 2. Feet. The S... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:5

Three hundred pence [τ ρ ι α κ ο σ ι ω ν δ η ν α ρ ι ω ν]. Or three hundred denarii. On the denarius, see on Matthew 20:2. Mark says more than three hundred pence. Three hundred denarii would be about fifty dollars, or twice that amount if we reckon according to the purchasing power. The poor [π τ ω... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:6

And had the bag, and bare what was put therein [κ α ι τ ο γ λ ω σ σ ο κ ο μ ο ν ε ι χ ε, κ α ι τ α β α λ λ ο μ ε ν α ε β α σ τ α ζ ε ν]. The best texts read ecwn, having, and omit the second kai and. The rendering would then be, and having the bag bare, etc. The bag [γ λ ω σ σ ο κ ο μ ο ν]. Only her... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:7

Let her alone : against the day of my burying hath she kept this (afev aujthn eijv thn hJmeran tou ejntafiasmou). This passage presents great difficulty. According to the reading just given, the meaning is that Mary had kept the ointment, perhaps out of the store provided for Lazarus ' burial, again... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:9

Much people [ο χ λ ο ς π ο λ υ ς]. The best texts insert the article, which converts the expression into the current phrase, the common people. So Rev. Knew [ε γ ν ω]. Rev., more correctly, learned. They came to know.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:11

Went away [υ π η γ ο ν]. Withdrew from their company. 12 - 19. Compare Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:13

Branches of palms [τ α β α ι α τ ω ν φ ο ι ν ι κ ω ν]. The A. V. overlooks both the articles, the branches of the palms. baia occurs only here in the New Testament, and means palm branches, or, strictly, tops of the palms where the fruit is produced. Of the palms may have been added by John for read... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:14

A young ass [ο ν α ρ ι ο ν]. Only here in the New Testament. Matthew mentions an ass and a colt; Mark and Luke a colt only.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:19

Is gone after Him [ο π ι σ ω α υ τ ο υ α π η λ θ ε ν]. The phrase occurs only here. Literally, is gone away.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:20

Greeks (%Ellhnev). Gentiles, not Hellenists. See on Acts 6:1. Jesus comes into contact with the Gentile world at His birth (the Magi) and at the close of His ministry.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:23

Answered [α π ε κ ρ ι ν α τ ο]. The best texts read ajpokrinetai, answereth. The hour is come, that [ε λ η λ υ θ ε ν η ω ρ α ι ν α]. This is not equivalent to "the hour is come in which." The hour is used absolutely : the critical hour is come in order that the Son, etc.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:24

Verily, verily. See on John 1:51; John 10:1. A corn [ο κ ο κ κ ο ς]. Properly, the corn or grain. The article should be inserted in the translation, because Jesus is citing the wheat - grain as a familiar type of that which contains in itself the germ of life. So wheat has the article : the corn of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:25

Life [ψ υ χ η ν]. See on Mark 12:30; Luke 1:46. Shall lose [α π ο λ ε σ ε ι]. The best texts read ajpolluei, loseth. See on Luke 9:25. In this world. This earthly economy, regarded as alien and hostile to God. The words are added in order to explain the strong phrase, hateth his life or soul. Sha... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:26

Serve [δ ι α κ ο ν η]. See on Matthew 20:26; Mark 9:35; 1 Peter 1:12. Me [ε μ ο ι]. Notice the emphatic recurrence of the pronoun in this verse. My Father. Rev., rightly, the Father. "Very much of the exact force of St. John's record of the Lord's words appears to depend upon the different conceptio... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:27

My soul. See reff. on ver. 25. The soul, yuch, is the seat of the human affections; the spirit [π ν ε υ μ α] of the religious affections. Is troubled [τ ε τ α ρ α κ τ α ι]. The perfect tense; has been disturbed and remains troubled. The same verb as in John 11:33. Notice that there it is said He gr... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:31

The prince of this world [ο α ρ χ ω ν ρ ο υ κ ο σ μ ο υ τ ο υ τ ο υ]. The phrase occurs only in the Gospel; here, John 14:30; John 16:11. Shall be cast out [ε κ β λ η θ η σ ε τ α ι ε ξ ω]. In every case but one where the word ejkballw occurs in John, it is used of casting out from a holy place or so... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:32

Be lifted up [υ ψ ω θ ω]. See on 3 14. The primary reference is to the cross, but there is included a reference to the resurrection and ascension. Bengel says : "In the very cross there was already something tending towards glory." Wyc., enhanced. From the earth [ε κ τ η ς γ η ς]. Literally, out of... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:34

The law. See on 10 34. 35 With you [μ ε θ υ μ ω ν]. The best texts read panta, among you. While ye have [ε ω ς]. The best texts read wJv, as : walk in conformity with the fact that you have the Light among you. Lest darkness come upon you [ι ν α μ η σ ξ ο τ ι α υ μ α ς κ α τ α λ α β η]. Rev., bet... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:40

He hath blinded, etc. These words of Isaiah are repeated five times in the New Testament as the description of the Jewish people in its latest stage of decay. Matthew 13:13; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; John 12:40; Acts 28:26. Hardened [π ε π ω ρ ω κ ε ν]. See on the kindred noun pwrwsiv, hardness, Mark 3... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:41

When [ο τ ε]. The best texts read oti, because. His glory. In the vision in the temple, Isaiah 6:1; Isaiah 6:3; Isaiah 6:5. Of Him. Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:42

Among the chief rulers [κ α ι ε κ τ ω ν α ρ χ ο ν τ ω ν]. Rev., more neatly and accurately, even of the rulers. Believed on Him [ε π ι σ τ ε υ σ α ν ε ι ς α υ τ ο ν]. See on 1 12. It is to be noted that John here uses of this imperfect faith which refused to complete itself in confession, the formu... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:43

Praise [δ ο ξ α ν]. Much better, Rev., glory, because suggesting a contrast with the vision of divine glory referred to in ver. 41. Compare John 5:44. Than [η π ε ρ] The word cannot be rendered by a corresponding word in English The force is, "more than the glory of God, though He is so much more g... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:44

Cried [ε κ ρ α ξ ε ν]. This is not meant to relate a reappearance of Jesus in public. The close of His public ministry is noted at ver. 36. It is in continuation of the Evangelist's own remarks, and introduces a summary of Jesus ' past teaching to the Jews. Believeth - on Him that sent Me [π ι σ τ ε... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:45

Seeth [θ ε ω ρ ε ι]. Rev., properly, beholdeth. Compare John 14:9. The word is purposely chosen to mark an intent, continuous contemplation of Christ, issuing in ever larger knowledge of the Father. I am come [ε λ η λ υ θ α]. The perfect tense, pointing to the abiding result of His manifestation. Co... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:47

Believe not [μ η π ι σ τ ε υ σ η]. The best texts read fulaxh, keep (them). Came [η λ θ ο ν]. The aorist tense, pointing to the purpose of the coming, as I am come (ver. 46) to the result. Compare John 8:14; John 9:39; John 10:10; John 12:27; John 12:47; John 14:22. Both tenses are found in John 8:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:48

Rejecteth [α θ ε τ ω ν]. See on Luke 7:30. The word [ο λ ο γ ο ς]. Comprehending all the sayings [ρ η μ α τ α]. The same [ε κ ε ι ν ο ς]. That. The pronoun of remote reference Westcott finely remarks : "The resumptive, isolating pronoun places in emphatic prominence the teaching which is regarded... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:49

Of myself [ε ξ ε μ α υ τ ο υ]. Out of myself. This formula occurs only here. The usual expression is ajp' ejmautou. Apo, from, as distinguished from ejk, out of, marks rather the point of departure, while ejk, including this idea, emphasizes the point of departure as the living and impelling source... [ Continue Reading ]

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