And had the bag, and bare what was put therein [κ α ι τ ο γ λ ω σ σ ο κ ο μ ο ν ε ι χ ε, κ α ι τ α β α λ λ ο μ ε ν α ε β α σ τ α ζ ε ν]. The best texts read ecwn, having, and omit the second kai and. The rendering would then be, and having the bag bare, etc.

The bag [γ λ ω σ σ ο κ ο μ ο ν]. Only here and John 13:29. Originally a box for keeping the mouth - pieces of wind instruments. From glwssa, tongue, and komew, to tend. The word was also used for a coffin. Josephus applies it to the coffer in which the golden mice and emerods were preserved (1 Samuel 6:11). In the Septuagint, of the chest which Joash had provided for receiving contributions for the repairing of the Lord's house (2 Chronicles 24:8). Rev. gives box, in margin.

Bare [ε β α σ τ α ζ ε ν]. Carried away or purloined. This meaning is rather imparted by the context than residing in the verb itself, i e., according to New Testament usage (see on 10 21). Unquestionably it has this meaning in later Greek, frequently in Josephus. 39 Render, therefore, as Rev., took away. The rendering of the A. V. is tautological.

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Old Testament