John 13:1

Before the Feast of the Passover. This clause is to be construed with hjgaphsen, loved, at the close of this verse. Notice that John, in mentioning the Passover, here drops the explanatory phrase of the Jews (xi. 55). It is not the Passover of the Jews which Jesus is about to celebrate, which had de... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:2

Supper being ended [δ ε ι π ν ο υ γ ε ν ο μ ε ν ο υ]. The most approved reading is ginomenou, the present participle, denoting while a supper was in progress. Hence Rev., rightly, during supper. The A. V. is wrong, even if the reading of the Received Text be retained; for in ver. 12 Jesus reclined a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:3

Had given [δ ε δ ω κ ε ν]. The best texts read edwken, gave, the aorist marking Jesus ' commission as given once for all. Was come [ε ξ η λ θ ε]. This rendering would require the perfect tense. The aorist points to His coming as a historic fact, not as related to its result. See on 12 47. Rev., rig... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:4

From the supper [ε κ τ ο υ δ ε ι π ν ο υ]. Out of the group gathered at the table. Laid aside [τ ι θ η σ ι]. Present tense : layeth aside. Garments [ι μ α τ ι α]. See on Matthew 5:40. Upper garments. Towel [λ ε ν τ ι ο ν]. A Latin word, linteum. A linen cloth. Only here and ver. 5. Girded (die z... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:6

Dost thou wash [σ υ μ ο υ ν ι π τ ε ι ς] ? The two pronouns Thou, my, stand together at the beginning of the sentence in emphatic contrast. Dost thou of me wash the feet ?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:7

Knowest - shalt know [ο ι δ α ς - γ ν ω σ η]. The A. V. ignores the distinction between the two words. "Thou knowest not" [ο υ κ ο ι δ α ς], of absolute and complete knowledge. Thou shalt learn or perceive [γ ν ω σ η], of knowledge gained by experience. See on 2 24. Hereafter [μ ε τ α τ α υ τ α]. L... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:8

Never [ο υ μ η - ε ι ς τ ο ν α ι ω ν α]. A very strong expression. Literally, thou shalt by no means wash my feet as long as the world stands.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:10

He that is washed - wash his feet [ο λ ε λ ο υ μ ε ν ο ς - ν ι ψ α σ θ α ι]. The A. V. obliterates the distinction between louw, to bathe, to apply water to the whole body, and niptw, to wash a part of the body. Thus, when Dorcas died (Acts 9:37) they bathed her body [λ ο υ σ α ν τ ε ς]. The proverb... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:11

Who should betray [τ ο ν π α ρ α δ ι δ ο ν τ α]. Literally, him that is betraying. So in Matthew 26:2, the present tense is used, is being betrayed [π α ρ α δ ι δ ο τ α ι]. See on Matthew 4:12, and compare prodothv, betrayer, Luke 6:16; Acts 7:52; 2 Timothy 3:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:12

Was set down [α ν α π ε σ ω ν]. Literally, having reclined. The guests reclined on couches, lying on the left side and leaning on the left hand. The table was in the hollow square or oblong formed on three sides by the couches, the fourth side being open, and the table extending beyond the ends of t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:13

Master [ο δ ι δ α σ κ α λ ο ς]. Literally, the Teacher. Teacher and Lord were used, according to the Jewish titles Rabbi and Mar, corresponding to which the followers were disciples or servants.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:14

Your. Inserted in A. V. Better, the Lord and the Master as Rev. Both have the article. Ought [ο φ ε ι λ ε τ ε]. The verb means to owe. It occurs several times in John's Epistles (1 John 2:6; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:11; 3 John 1:8). In the Gospel only here and John 19:7. Compare Luke 17:10. In Matthew'... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:15

Example [υ π ο δ ε ι γ μ α]. On the three words used in the New Testament for example, uJpodeigma, tupov, and deigma, see on 2 Peter 2:6; 1 Peter 5:3; Jude 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:16

Verily, verily. See on John 1:51; John 10:1. The servant. No article. Better a servant, as Rev., a bond - servant. He that is sent [α π ο σ τ ο λ ο ς]. Literally, an apostle. See on Matthew 10:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:18

I have chosen [ε ξ ε λ ε ξ α μ η ν]. Aorist tense, I chose. Not elected to salvation, but chose as an apostle. That the scripture, etc. [ι ν α]. Elliptical. We must supply this choice was made in order that, etc. Eateth [τ ρ ω γ ω ν]. With the exception of Matthew 24:38, the word occurs only in Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:19

Now [α π α ρ τ ι]. Rev., correctly, from henceforth. Compare John 1:52; John 14:7; Matthew 23:39. I am he [ε γ ω ε ι μ ι]. Or, I am. See on 8 24. 21 - 35. Compare Matthew 26:21-25; Mark 14:18-21; Luke 21:21-23.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:21

Was troubled in Spirit. See on John 11:33; John 12:27. The agitation was in the highest region of the spiritual life [π ν ε υ μ α]. One of you shall betray me. So Matthew and Mark, with the addition of, who eateth with me. Luke, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:22

Looked [ε β λ ε π ο ν]. The imperfect tense, kept looking as they doubted. Doubting [α π ο ρ ο υ μ ε ν ο ι]. See on Mark 6:20. He spake [λ ε γ ε ι]. The present tense, speaketh, introduced with lively effect.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:23

Was leaning on Jesus ' bosom [η ν α ν α κ ε ι μ ε ν ο ς ε ν τ ω κ ο λ π ω τ ο υ ι η σ ο υ]. The Rev. renders, "there was at the table reclining," etc. At the table is added because the verb is the general term equivalent to sitting at table. "In Jesus ' bosom," defines John's position relatively to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:24

Beckoneth [ν ε υ ε ι]. Literally, noddeth. That he should ask who it should be [π υ θ ε σ θ α ι τ ι ς α ν ε ι η]. The best texts read, kai legei aujtw eijpe tiv ejstin, and saith unto him, Tell us who it is.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:25

Lying [ε π ι π ε σ ω ν]. This word is, literally, to fall upon, and is so rendered in almost every instance in the New Testament. In Mark 3:10, it is applied to the multitudes pressing upon Christ. It occurs, however, nowhere else in John, and therefore some of the best authorities read ajnapeswn, l... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:26

To whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it [ω ε γ ω β α ψ α ς τ ο ψ ω μ ι ο ν ε π ι δ ω σ ω]. The best texts read w ejgw bayw to ywmion kai dwsw aujtw, for whom I shall dip the sop and give it him. Sop [ψ ω μ ι ο ν]. Only in this chapter. Diminutive from ywmov, a morsel, which, in turn, is fr... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:27

Then [τ ο τ ε]. With a peculiar emphasis, marking the decisive point at which Judas was finally committed to his dark deed. The token of goodwill which Jesus had offered, if it did not soften his heart would harden it; and Judas appears to have so interpreted it as to confirm him in his purpose. Sa... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:29

The bag. See on 12 6. Buy [α γ ο ρ α σ ο ν]. An incidental argument in favor of this gathering of the disciples having taken place on the evening of the Paschal feast. Had it been on the previous evening, no one would have thought of Judas going out at night to buy provisions for the feast, when th... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:31

Now. Marking a crisis, at which Jesus is relieved of the presence of the traitor, and accepts the consequences of his treachery. Is - glorified [ε δ ο ξ α σ θ η]. Literally, was glorified. The aorist points to the withdrawal of Judas. Jesus was glorified through death, and His fate was sealed (huma... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:32

If God be glorified in Him. The most ancient authorities omit. In Himself [ε ν ε α υ τ ω]. His glory will be contained in and identified with the divine glory. Compare "the glory which I had with thee," para soi (xvii. 5). En in, indicates unity of being; para with, unity of position.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:33

Little children [τ ε κ ν ι α]. Diminutive, occurring only here in the Gospel, but repeatedly in the First Epistle. Nowhere else in the New Testament. Now [α ρ τ ι]. In ver. 31, now is nun, which marks the point of time absolutely. Arti marks the point of time as related to the past or to the future... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:34

New [κ α ι ν η ν]. See on Matthew 26:29. Commandment [ε ν τ ο λ η ν]. The word for a single commandment or injunction, but used also for the whole body of the moral precepts of Christianity. See 1 Timothy 6:14; 2 Peter 2:21; 2 Peter 3:2. See also on James 2:8. This new commandment embodies the essen... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:35

Shall - know [γ ν ω σ ο ν τ α ι]. Perceive, or come to know. My disciples [ε μ ο ι μ α θ η τ α ι]. See on Matthew 12:49. Literally, disciples unto me. Compare John 14:8. 36 - 38. Compare Matthew 26:31-35; Mark 14:27-31; Luke 22:31-38.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 13:37

Now [α ρ τ ι]. Without waiting for a future time. See on ver. 33, and compare nun now, in ver. 36. I will lay down my life. See on 10 11.... [ Continue Reading ]

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