Heart [κ α ρ δ ι α]. Never used in the New Testament, as in the
Septuagint, of the mere physical organ, though sometimes of the vigor
and sense of physical life (Acts 14:17; James 5:5; Luke 21:34).
Generally, the center of our complex being - physical, moral,
spiritual, and intellectual. See on Mark... [ Continue Reading ]
House [ο ι κ ι α]. The dwelling - place. Used primarily of the
edifice (Matthew 7:24; Matthew 8:14; Matthew 9:10; Acts 4:34). Of the
family or all the persons inhabiting the house (Matthew 12:25; John
4:53; 1 Corinthians 16:15; Matthew 10:13). Of property ... [ Continue Reading ]
If I go [ε α ν π ο ρ ε υ θ ω]. Poreuomai, go, of going with
a definite object. See on 8 21.
I will come again [π α λ ι ν ε ρ χ ο μ α ι]. The present
tense; I come, so Rev. Not to be limited to the Lord's second and
glorious coming at the last day, nor to any special coming, such as
Pentecost, thoug... [ Continue Reading ]
I go [υ π α γ ω]. Withdraw from you. See on 8 21.
Ye know, and the way ye know [ο ι δ α τ ε, κ α ι τ η ν ο
δ ο ν ο ι δ α τ ε]. The best texts omit the second ye know,
and the and before the way; reading, whither I go ye know the way.... [ Continue Reading ]
And how can we know [κ α ι π ω ς δ υ ν α μ ε θ α τ η
ν ο δ ο ν ε ι δ ε ν α ι]. The best texts substitute
oidamen, know we, for dunameqa, can we; reading, how know we the way.
So Rev. Some also omit and before how.... [ Continue Reading ]
I am the way. The disciples are engrossed with the thought of
separation from Jesus. To Thomas, ignorance of whither Jesus is going
involves ignorance of the way. "Therefore, with loving condescension
the figure is taken up, and they are assured that He is Himself, if we
may so speak, this distance... [ Continue Reading ]
Had known [ε γ ν ω κ ε ι τ ε]. Rather, had learned to know,
through my successive revelations of myself.
Ye should have known [ε γ ω κ ε ι τ ε α ν]. The same verb as
above. Some editors, however, read hdeite, the verb signifying
absolute knowledge, the knowledge of intuition and satisfied
convictio... [ Continue Reading ]
Have I been [ε ι μ ι]. Literally, am I
Known [ε γ ν ω κ α ς]. Come to know.
Sayest thou [σ υ]. Emphatic. Thou who didst say, "We have found him
of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write" (i. 46). Omit and
before how sayest thou.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of myself [α π ε μ α υ τ ο υ]. Rev., better, from myself. See
on 7 17. The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works [ο δ ε
π α τ η ρ ο ε ν ε μ ο ι μ ε ν ω ν, α υ τ ο ς π
ο ι ε ι τ α ε ρ γ α]. The best texts read, oJ de pathr ejn
ejmoi menwn poiei ta erga autou; the Father abiding in me doeth H... [ Continue Reading ]
Believe me [π ι σ τ ε υ ε τ ε μ ο ι]. The plural of the
imperative : "believe ye me." Compare believest thou, ver. 10. These
words are addressed to the disciples collectively, whose thought
Philip had voiced.
Or else [ε ι δ ε μ η]. Literally, but if not. If you do not
believe on the authority of my... [ Continue Reading ]
Greater works. Not more remarkable miracles, but referring to the
wider work of the apostolic ministry under the dispensation of the
Spirit. This work was of a higher nature than mere bodily cures. Godet
truthfully says : "That which was done by St. Peter at Pentecost, by
St. Paul all over the world... [ Continue Reading ]
In my name. The first occurrence of the phrase. See on Matthew 28:19.
Prayer is made in the name of Jesus, "if this name, Jesus Christ, as
the full substance of the saving faith and confession of him who
prays, is, in his consciousness, the element in which the prayerful
activity moves; so that thus... [ Continue Reading ]
If ye shall ask anything. Some authorities insert me. So Rev. This
implies prayer to Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
Keep [τ η ρ η σ α τ ε]. The best tests read thrhsete, ye will
keep. Lay up in your hearts and preserve by careful watching. See on
reserved, 1 Peter 1:4.
My commandments [τ α ς ε ν τ ο λ α ς τ α ς ε μ α ς].
Literally, the commandments which are mine. See on 10 27.... [ Continue Reading ]
I will pray [ε ρ ω τ η σ ω]. See on 11 22.
Comforter [π α ρ α κ λ η τ ο ν]. Only in John's Gospel and
First Epistle (xiv. 16, 26; 1Pe 14:26; 1Pe 16:7; 1 Ephesians 2:13.
From para, to the side of, and kalew, to summon. Hence, originally,
one who is called to another's side to aid him, as an advocate... [ Continue Reading ]
The Spirit of Truth. "A most exquisite title," says Bengel. The
Spirit, who has the truth, reveals it, by knowledge in the
understanding; confers it by practical proof and taste in the will;
testifies of it to others also through those to whom He has revealed
it; and defends that truth, of which ch.... [ Continue Reading ]
Leave [α φ η σ ω]. See on 4 3.
Comfortless [ο ρ φ α ν ο υ ς]. Literally, bereft or orphans.
Only here and James 1:27, where it is rendered fatherless. Compare my
little children (xiii. 33). "He hath not left us without a rule (xiii.
34); nor without an example (xiii. 15); nor without a motive (xiv.... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye shall live also [κ α ι υ μ ε ι ς ζ η σ ε σ θ ε].
This may also be rendered, and ye shall live, explaining the former
statement, ye behold me. So Rev., in margin. This is better. John is
not arguing for the dependence of their life on Christ 's, but for
fellowship with Christ as the ground of spir... [ Continue Reading ]
Hath. "Who has in memory and keeps in life" (Augustine).
Will manifest [ε μ φ α ν ι σ ω]. Properly, of manifestation to
the sight, as distinguished from dhlow, to make evident to the mind (1
Corinthians 3:13; Colossians 1:8, etc.). A clear, conspicuous
manifestation is indicated. Compare ye see me... [ Continue Reading ]
Judas. See on Thaddaeus, Mark 3:18.
Not Iscariot. The Rev. improves the translation by placing these words
immediately after Judas. "He distinguishes the godly Judas, not by his
own surname, but by the negation of the other's; marking at the same
time the traitor as present again after his negotiat... [ Continue Reading ]
My word [λ ο γ ο ν μ ο υ]. The entire gospel message, as
distinguished from its separate parts or commandments.
We will come. Compare John 10:30; Revelation 3:20.
Abode [μ ο ν η ν]. See on ver. 2. Compare 1 John 2:24; 1 John
5:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
My sayings [λ ο γ ο υ ς]. Rev., words. Compare word, ver. 23.
The constituent parts of the one word.... [ Continue Reading ]
Being yet present [μ ε ν ω ν]. Rev., stronger and more literally,
while yet abiding.... [ Continue Reading ]
In my name. See on ver. 13.
He [ε κ ε ι ν ο ς]. Setting the Advocate distinctly and sharply
before the hearers. The pronoun is used in John's First Epistle,
distinctively of our Lord. See 1 John 2:6; 1 John 3:3; 1 John 3:5; 1
John 3:7; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:17.
I have said [ε ι π ο ν]. The aorist... [ Continue Reading ]
Peace. "These are last words, as of one who is about to go away and
says 'good - night ' or gives his blessing" [λ υ τ η ε ρ].
Peace! was the ordinary oriental greeting at parting. Compare John
My peace I give. Compare 1 John 3:1. "It is of his own that one gives"
Let it be afraid ... [ Continue Reading ]
I said. Omit, and read, ye would have rejoiced because I go unto the
Father.... [ Continue Reading ]
Hereafter I will not talk [ο υ κ ε π ι λ α λ η σ ω]. Rev.,
more correctly, I will no more speak.
The prince of this world. The best texts read, "of the world."
Hath nothing in me. No right nor power over Christ which sin in Him
could give. The Greek order is, in me he hath nothing.... [ Continue Reading ]
But that the world may know, etc. The connection in this verse is much
disputed. Some explain, Arise, let us go hence, that the world may
know that I love the Father, and that even as the Father commanded me
so I do. Others, So I do, that the world may know - and even as the
Father, etc. Others, aga... [ Continue Reading ]