If I go [ε α ν π ο ρ ε υ θ ω]. Poreuomai, go, of going with a definite object. See on 8 21.

I will come again [π α λ ι ν ε ρ χ ο μ α ι]. The present tense; I come, so Rev. Not to be limited to the Lord's second and glorious coming at the last day, nor to any special coming, such as Pentecost, though these are all included in the expression; rather to be taken of His continual coming and presence by the Holy Spirit. "Christ is, in fact, from the moment of His resurrection, ever coming into the world and to the Church, and to men as the risen Lord" (Westcott).

And receive [π α ρ α λ η ψ ο μ α ι]. Here the future tense, will receive. Rev., therefore, much better : I come again and will receive you. The change of tense is intentional, the future pointing to the future personal reception of the believer through death. Christ is with the disciple alway, continually "coming" to him, unto the end of the world. Then He will receive him into that immediate fellowship, where he "shall see Him as He is." The verb paralambanw is used in the New Testament of taking along with (Matthew 4:5; Matthew 17:1; Acts 16:33, on all which see notes) : of taking to (Matthew 1:20; John 14:3) : of taking from, receiving by transmission; so mostly in Paul (Galatians 1:12; Colossians. Galatians 2:6; Galatians 4:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13, etc. See also Matthew 24:40; Matthew 24:41). It is scarcely fanciful to see the first two meanings blended in the use of the verb in this passage. Jesus, by the Spirit, takes His own along with Him through life, and then takes them to His side at death. He himself conducts them to Himself.

I am. See on 7 34.

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Old Testament