John 15:1

The true vine [η α μ π ε λ ο ς η α λ η θ ι ν η]. Literally, the vine, the true (vine). True, genuine, answering to the perfect ideal. See on 1 9. The vine was a symbol of the ancient church. See the passages cited above, and Hosea 10:1; Matthew 21:33; Luke 13:6. Husbandman [γ ε ω ρ γ ο ς]. From gh,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:2

Branch [κ λ η μ α]. Occurring only in this chapter. Both this and kladov, branch (see on Matthew 24:32; Mark 11:8) are derived from klaw, to break. The word emphasizes the ideas of tenderness and flexibility. Purgeth [κ α θ α ι ρ ε ι]. Cleanseth, Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:3

Clean [κ α θ α ι ρ ε ι]. Etymologically akin to kaqairei, purgeth. The Rev. indicates this by rendering kaqairei, cleanseth.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:4

Of itself [α φ ε α υ τ ο υ]. Properly, from itself. See on 7 17. No more can ye [ο υ τ ω ς ο υ δ ε υ μ ε ι ς]. Literally, so neither can ye. So Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:6

He is cast forth [ε β λ η θ η ε ξ ω]. The aorist tense. Literally, was cast forth. The aorist, denoting a momentary act, indicates that it was cast forth at the moment it ceased to abide in the vine. Forth signifies from the vineyard; exw, outside. As a branch [ω ς τ ο κ λ η μ α]. Strictly, the bra... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:7

Ye shall ask [α ι τ η σ ε σ θ ε]. The best texts read the imperative, aijthsasqe, ask. Shall be done unto you [γ ε ν η σ ε τ α ι υ μ ι ν]. Literally, it shall come to pass for you.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:8

Herein [ε ν τ ο υ τ ω]. Commonly referred to what follows. My Father is glorified in this, namely, that ye bear much fruit. It is better to refer it back to ver. 7. In the perfect unity of will between the Son and the disciple, which results in the disciple's obtaining whatever he asks, the Father i... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:9

In my love [ε ν τ η α γ α π η τ η ε μ η]. Literally, in the love, that which is mine. Not only the love of the disciple for Christ, nor the love of Christ for the disciple, but the Christ - principle of love which includes both. See the same form of expression in the joy that is mine, ver. 11; John... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:11

My joy. The joy that is mine; characteristic of me. See on ver. 9. Might remain [μ ε ι ν η]. The best texts read h, may be. Might be full [π λ η ρ ω θ η]. Rev., more correctly, may be fulfilled. The A. V. loses the distinction between the absolute joy which is Christ 's, and the progressive, but fi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:12

My commandment [η ε ν τ ο λ η η ε μ η]. The commandment which is mine. That ye love [ι ν α]. Indicating not merely the nature of the commandment, but its purport.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this, that [ι ν α]. Some of the more subtle phases of John's thought cannot be apprehended without a careful study of this often - recurring conjunction. It is still claimed by some grammarians that it is used to mark, not only design and end, but also result. 50 But it... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:14

I command [ε ν τ ε λ λ ο μ α ι]. Of several words for command in the New Testament, this one is always used of giving a specific injunction or precept. The kindred noun, ejntolh, means an order, a charge, a precept and hence is used of a separate precept of the law as distinguished from the law as a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:15

Henceforth - not [ο υ κ ε τ ι]. Rev., better, no longer. No longer servants, as you were under the dispensation of the law. Compare Galatians 4:7. Servants [δ ο υ λ ο υ ς]. Strictly, bond - servants. Knoweth not [ο υ κ ο ι δ ε]. Has no instinctive perception. See on 2 24. You. The position of the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:16

Ye - chosen. The pronoun is emphatic : "It was not ye that chose me." Ordained [ε θ η κ α]. Rev., appointed is better, because it divests the word of its conventional meaning. Ordain is from the Latin ordinare, and means to set in order. Thus, Robert of Gloucester's "Chronicle :" " He began to orda... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:18

If the world hate [ε ι μ ι σ ε ι]. Literally, hates. The indicative mood with the conditional particle assumes the fact as existing : If the world hates you, as it does. Ye know [γ ι ν ω σ κ ε τ ε]. This may also be rendered as imperative : Know ye. It hated [μ ε μ ι σ η κ ε ν]. The perfect tense,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:19

Of the world [ε κ τ ο υ κ ο σ μ ο υ]. Sprung out of the world. See on of the earth, John 3:31. Would love [α ν ε φ ι λ ε ι]. The verb for natural affection. See on 5 20.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:20

Persecuted [ε δ ι ω ξ α ν]. The verb means originally to put to flight; thence to run swiftly in order to overtake or attain, as the goal or the competitor in the race. Thus Sophocles (" Electra, "738) :" He urged his swift steeds vehemently with shouts that pierced their ears, and makes for him [δ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:21

For my name's sake [δ ι α τ ο ο ν ο μ α μ ο υ]. Literally, on account of my name. The name of Christ represented the faith, the attitude, the claims, and the aim of the disciples. His name was their confession. Luther says : "The name of Christ from your mouth will be to them nothing but poison and... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:22

Had sin [α μ α ρ τ ι α ν ε ι χ ο ν]. See on 9 41; 1 John 1:8. Cloke [π ρ ο φ α σ ι ν]. From pro, before, in front of, and fhmi, to say or affirm. Hence something which is placed in front of the true cause of a thing, a pretext. Compare 1 Thessalonians 2:5; Acts 27:30. Pretext carries the same idea,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 15:27

Shall bear witness [μ α ρ τ υ ρ ε ι τ ε]. Present tense, bear witness. So Rev. Or, it may be taken as imperative : bear ye witness.... [ Continue Reading ]

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