Vincent's Word Studies in the NT
John 16:12
Bear [β α σ τ α ζ ε ι ν]. See on John 10:31; John 12:6.
Now [α ρ τ ι]. See on 13 33. With reference to a future time, when they will be able to bear them.
Bear [β α σ τ α ζ ε ι ν]. See on John 10:31; John 12:6.
Now [α ρ τ ι]. See on 13 33. With reference to a future time, when they will be able to bear them.
Verse John 16:12. _YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW._] In illustration of these three points, Christ had many things to say; but he found that his disciples could only bear general truths; yet, in saying what...
I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY ... - There were many things pertaining to the work of the Spirit and the establishment of religion which might be said. Jesus had given them the outline; he had presente...
CHAPTER 16 1. Persecutions Predicted. (John 16:1 .) 2. The Comforter and His Demonstration. (John 16:7 .) 3. Sorrow and joy. (John 16:16 .) 4. The Father Himself Loveth You. ...
JOHN 16. There is no break between chs. 15 and 16. Jesus has told them beforehand, so that His death and their suffering may not daunt their faith, as the Baptist was offended by the course of the min...
HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY.. BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. All wise teachers give out truth as the minds of people are prepared for it. Jesus did not at once announce himself as the Christ, nor that...
"I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of Truth has come, he will lead you into all the truth. For he will not speak on his own authority and out of his own k...
I HAVE, &c. Still there are many things. have. CANNOT. are not (App-105) able. BEAR. Greek. _bastazo._ Compare its use in John 10:31; John 19:17; Matthew 20:12.
_many things to say_ They are His friends (John 15:15), and there is nothing which He wishes to keep back from them; He would give them His entire confidence. But it would be useless to tell them what...
The Disciples and the Paraclete The Paraclete not only convicts and convinces the world, He also enlightens the Apostles respecting Christ and thereby glorifies Him, for to make Christ known is to gl...
THE DISCIPLES AND THE PARACLETE The Paraclete not only convicts and convinces the world, He also enlightens the Apostles respecting Christ and thereby glorifies Him, for to make Christ known is to gl...
ΠΟΛΛᾺ … ΛΈΓΕΙΝ. They are His friends (John 15:15), and there is nothing which He wishes to keep back from them; He would give them His entire confidence. But it would be useless to tell them what they...
ΒΑΣΤΆΖΕΙΝ _praes. act. inf. от_ ΒΑΣΤΆΖΩ (G941) нести. Имеется в виду, что они не могут пока понять (Brown). _Inf._ является дополнением при основном гл....
I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU,— These _other things_ to which our Lord refers, might probably relate to the abrogation of the ceremonial law, to the doctrine of justification by faith, the re...
THE SPIRIT WILL REVEAL LATER MANY THINGS WITHHELD _Text: John 16:12-24_ 12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come he...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 16:12-22 Below is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. The need for the Spirit’s coming, verse 12. 2. The purpose of the Spirit’s coming,...
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU, BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. This refers not so much to truths not uttered by Himself a...
12 The words of our Lord preserved for us in the four accounts of His life come very far from giving us all that He had to say. They were sadly limited by the incapacity of His hearers. Even His close...
THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF CHRIST WILL PROVE THE DISCIPLES' COMFORT IN TIME OF PERSECUTION 1-6. The Persecution of the Apostles predicted. This section repeats many of the ideas of the previous...
The work of the Comforter in the world and in the Church. 7. It was better for them that Christ's personal presence should be withdrawn, in order that His spiritual presence might be nearer to them th...
I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU. — The “many things” are defined by the next verse to be things with regard to which the Spirit of Truth shall be their guide — _i.e.,_ they are parts of the rev...
_The Spirit will complete the teaching of Jesus_....
Ἔτι πολλὰ ἔχω λέγειν ὑμῖν, “I have yet many things to say to you”; after all I have said much remains unsaid. There is, then, much truth which it is desirable that Christians know and which yet was no...
LOOKING BEYOND PRESENT SORROW John 16:12-24 The disciples were terribly overwrought by the events of the last few days, the reversal of their cherished hopes, and the growing darkness and sorrow of t...
Throughout these discourses our Lord was preparing His disciples for all that He saw coming to them. He told them that they would have sorrow resulting from their suffering. Because of this, it was ne...
(4) I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. (4) The doctrine of the apostles proceeded from the Holy Spirit, and is most perfect....
CHAPTER 23 THE VALEDICTORY SERMON John 14-16. Now that the Passover meal has been enjoyed, and that celebrated Mosaic institution totally eclipsed by bloody Calvary, normally verified and abolished f...
3. 16:5-15. Jesus now describes _the victory_ which the disciples will gain over the world which has risen up against Him. He first connects with His departure the coming of the divine _agent_ (alread...
“ _I have yet many things to say to you; but you have not now the strength to bear them._ 13. _When he, the Spirit of truth, shall have come, he will lead you into all the truth;for he shall not speak...
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement; (9) Of sin, because they believe not on me; (10) Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see...
In John 15:1-27 our Lord substitutes Himself for Israel, as the plant of God, responsible to bear fruit for Him on earth (not merely for man, as such, openly sinful and lost). He takes the place of th...
_MANY THINGS TO BE REVEALED_ ‘I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.’ John 16:12 Limited knowledge, even on the most deeply interesting subjects of human thought, is a...
12._I have still many things to say to you. _Christ’s discourse could not have so much influence over his disciples, as to prevent their ignorance from still keeping them in perplexity about _many thi...
In chapter 16 a further step is taken in the revelation of this grace. The Holy Ghost is looked upon as already here below. In this chapter the Lord declares that He has set forth all His instruction...
I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU,.... Not with respect to the main doctrines of the Gospel, for everything of this kind he had made known unto them, John 15:15; but what regarded the rejection o...
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Ver. 12. _But ye cannot bear them now_] Because your spirits are dulled with worldly sorrow. But the Spirit shall be unto you a po...
_I have yet many things to say unto you_ There are many other things concerning which I must give you information. _But ye cannot bear them now_ But the weakness of your understanding, your desire and...
MANY THINGS; with regard to the object and effects of his death, and the establishment and progress of his kingdom. CANNOT BEAR THEM; they were not then prepared rightly to apprehend and properly to...
The Spirit's work for the believers:...
All that the Lord spoke on that memorable night was intended for the preparation of His disciples for what would face them in view of His death, resurrection and return to the glory. There would be st...
7-15 Christ's departure was necessary to the Comforter's coming. Sending the Spirit was to be the fruit of Christ's death, which was his going away. His bodily presence could be only in one place at...
Not any new articles of doctrine or faith, for, 1 THESSALONIANS 15:15, he had told them that he had made known unto them all things which he had heard of the Father of that nature; but some things (pr...
Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics He had once said, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot hear them now; "but even then He added, "When He, the Spirit of truth, shall come...
John 16:12 still G2089 have G2192 (G5719) things G4183 say G3004 (G5721) you G5213 but G235 cannot...
“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” Jesus is fully aware how baffled and battered, apprehensive and helpless the disciples are feeling. They cannot cope in their pre...
John 16:12. I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU, BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. Jesus is about to draw His instructions and consolations to a close. He does so by returning to the great promise of th...
We have already considered the circumstances under which the two Chapter s upon which we now enter were spoken; and, if we have been correct in the view taken of them, we are not to imagine that the f...
BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW (αλλ' ου δυνασθε βασταζειν αρτ). The literal sense of βασταζω, to bear, occurs in John 12:6. For the figurative as here see Acts 15:10. The untaught cannot get the full b...
I HAVE YET Christ's pre-authentication of the New Testament: (1) he expressly declared that He would leave "many things" unrevealed (John 16:12). (2) He promised that this revelation should be comp...
John 16:12 Gradual Revelations The thought which our Saviour here expressed was in strict accordance with His whole method of life. He was always measuring what and how much His followers could bear...
John 16:12 In these words our Lord describes two sorts of persons those who cannot yet bear the truth, and those who, through the guiding of the Spirit, are led into all truth. They who could not yet...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ The temptation is, when Christ is despised and rejected, for our hearts to begin to sink, and for our faith to fail....
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ That you should not be scandalized when you are put to suffering on any account that you should not dread the offence...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ «That you should not be scandalized when you see me put to death, and when you miss my bodily presence from your mids...
This chapter contains some of the most precious words that the Lord Jesus uttered before he died upon the cross. John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ Or,...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ Or, «made to stumble.» Christ would not have you who are his people caused to stumble by anything that happens to you...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God...
CONTENTS: Warning of persecutions. The promise of the Spirit and His three-fold work. Jesus talks of His death, resurrection and second coming. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, disciples. CONCLUS...
John 16:1. _These things have I spoken, that ye should not be offended,_ so as to stumble and shrink back from the cause in which you are engaged. Expulsion from the synagogue was to a jew next to dea...
TOO MUCH FOR YOU TO BEAR. They could not fully understand, until the Cross was fact. Then, with the aid of the Helper, all the pieces would fall into place....
_I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now._ --The original implies that such teaching as that of the Cross would have been a crushing burden (_cf_. John 19:17; Luke 11:46, L...
1-33 CHAPTER 16 VER. 1. _These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended._ (1.) Some think that this refers to Matt. xxvi. 31, _All ye shall be offended because of Me this night._...
. _have yet many things to say unto you_ (of the mysteries of the faith, of the conversion of the Gentiles, of the foundation and government of the Church, of the institution of priests and bishops, a...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ Chap. John 15:27. The Spirit does not teach historical facts, but reveals their true meaning. Hence the apostolic testimony and the testimony of the Spirit form but a...
EXPOSITION JOHN 16:1 (c) _The bitter issues of the hostility of the world_. JOHN 16:1 THESE THINGS. What things? Primarily the explanation he had given of the opposition and hatred of the world, a...
Shall we turn to John's gospel, chapter 16. Now, these words in the sixteenth chapter have to be understood with the background as Jesus has been in the upper room with His disciples. He has told them...
1 Corinthians 2:10; 1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27; 1 John 4:6; 1 Timothy
THE HOLY SPIRIT CHAPTER John 16:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The sixteenth chapter of John contains a part of our Lord's last message before He went out to Gethsemane and on to the Cross. The disciples wer...
THE MINISTRY OF THE SPIRIT John 14:26; _John 16:7_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS Christ came to His own, and His own received Him not. The Holy Spirit came to His own, seeking to bring every possible spiritual...
I have yet many things to say — Concerning my passion, death, resurrection, and the consequences of it. These things we have, not in uncertain traditions, but in the Acts, the Epistles, and the Revela...
Did Jesus reveal everything to His disciples or hold back some things? PROBLEM: Only a short time earlier Jesus left His disciples with the impression that He had told them everything He wanted to com...
The second benefit, which our Saviour declares was to be expected by the coming of the Holy Spirit, relates to the apostles themselves: HE SHALL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH; that is, into all truth neces...