John 17:1

These words [τ α υ τ α]. Literally, these things. So Rev. Said. John nowhere says that Jesus prayed, as the other Evangelists do. Thy Son - thy Son [σ ο υ τ ο ν υ ι ο ν - ο υ ι ο ς]. Properly, thy Son - the Son. The second phrase marks a change from the thought of personal relationship to that of t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:2

Power [ε ξ ο υ σ ι α ν]. Rev., rightly, authority. See on 1 12. All flesh. A Hebrew phrase, denoting the whole of humanity in its imperfection. See Genesis 6:12; Psalms 65:2; Isaiah 40:5, etc. That He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him [ι ν α π α ν ο δ ε δ ω κ α ς α υ τ ω, δ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:3

Life eternal. With the article : the life eternal. Defining the words in the previous verse. The life eternal (of which I spoke) is this. That [ι ν α]. Expressing the aim. Might know [γ ι ν ω σ κ ω σ ι]. Might recognize or perceive. This is striking, that eternal life consists in knowledge, or rat... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:4

I have glorified - I have finished [ε δ ο ξ α σ α - ε τ ε λ ε ι ω σ α]. The best texts read, teleiwsav, having finished; the participle defining the manner in which He had glorified the Father upon earth. So Rev. To do [ι ν α π ο ι η σ ω]. Literally, in order that I should do (it).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:5

With Thyself [π α ρ α σ ε α υ τ ω]. In fellowship with Thyself. So with Thee [π α ρ α σ ο ι]. I had. Actually possessed.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:8

The words [τ α ρ η μ α τ α]. Compare thy word [λ ο γ ο ν], ver. 6. That signified the gospel message in its entirety. This, the message considered in its constituent parts. See on Luke 1:37. Compare John 5:38; John 5:47; John 6:60; John 6:63; John 6:68; John 8:43; John 8:47; John 8:51; [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:9

I pray [ε ρ ω τ ω]. More strictly, I make request. See on 16 23. The I is emphatic, as throughout the prayer.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:11

I come [ε ρ χ ο μ α ι]. I am coming. Spoken of His departure to the Father. Holy [α γ ι ε]. See on saints, Acts 26:10; also on 1 Peter 1:15. Compare 1 John 2:20, and righteous Father [δ ι κ α ι ε], ver. 25. This epithet, now first applied to the Father, contemplates God, the holy One, as the agent... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:12

In the world. Omit. I kept [ε τ η ρ ο υ ν]. Imperfect tense. I continued to keep. The I is emphatic : I kept them, now do Thou keep them. I kept [ε τ η ρ ο υ ν]. Rev., rightly, I guarded. The A. V. overlooks the distinction between the two words for keeping. The former word means, I preserved them... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:15

From the evil [τ ο υ π ο ν η ρ ο υ]. Or, the evil one. This rendering is according to John's usage. See 1 John 2:13; 1 John 2:14; 1 John 3:12; 1 John 5:18; 1 John 5:19; and compare John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11. From [ε κ], literally, out of, means out of the hands of.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:17

Sanctify [α γ ι α σ ο ν]. Constantly used in the Septuagint to express the entire dedication and consecration of both persons and things to God. See Exodus 29:1; Exodus 29:36; Exodus 40:13; Leviticus 22:2; Leviticus 22:3. Rev., in margin, consecrate. See on 10 36. Through thy truth [ε ν τ η α λ η θ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:18

Sent [α π ε σ τ ε ι λ α ς - α π ε σ τ ε ι λ α]. On a mission. See on Matthew 10:16. Sanctify. See on ver. 17.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:20

Shall believe [π ι σ τ ε υ σ ο ν τ ω ν]. The best texts read pisteuontwn, the present participle, that believe. The future body of believers is conceived as actually existing. On me through their word. The Greek order is, believe through their word on me. "Believe through their word" forms a compou... [ Continue Reading ]

John 17:24

They - whom [ο υ ς]. The best texts read o, that which. The construction is similar to that in ver. 2, "that He should give eternal life," etc. Like pan, all, in that passage, that which here refers to the body of believers taken collectively. I will [θ ε λ ω]. See on Matthew 1:19; Matthew 1:51 My... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament