Brook [χ ε ι μ α ρ ρ ο υ]. From ceima, winter, and rJew, to
flow. Properly, a winter torrent. Only here in the New Testament.
Rev., in margin, ravine. In classical Greek it occurs in Demosthenes
in the sense of a drain or conduit. It may be taken as equivalent to
the Arabic wady, which means a strea... [ Continue Reading ]
Which betrayed [ο π α ρ α δ ι δ ο υ ς]. The present
participle, marking the betrayal as in progress. Literally, who is
Resorted [σ υ ν η χ θ η]. Literally, assembled. The items of
this verse are peculiar to John.... [ Continue Reading ]
A band (thn speiran). Properly, the band. See on Mark 14:16; also on
centurion, Luke 7:2; and Acts 21:31. The band, or cohort, was from the
Roman garrison in the tower of Antonia.
Officers [υ π η ρ ε τ α ς]. See on Matthew 5:25. Sent from the
Sanhedrim. The temple police. The Synoptists speak of th... [ Continue Reading ]
That should come [τ α ε ρ χ ο μ ε ν α]. Literally, that are
coming. The details in 4 - 9 are peculiar to John.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of Nazareth [τ ο ν ν α ζ ω ρ α ι ο ν]. Literally, the
Stood [ε ι σ τ η κ ε ι]. Imperfect tense. Rev., correctly, was
standing.... [ Continue Reading ]
These. The disciples.
Go their way [υ π α γ ε ι ν]. Withdraw.... [ Continue Reading ]
Simon Peter. The names of Simon Peter and Malchus are mentioned only
by John in connection with this incident. The incident itself is
related by all the Evangelists.
A sword. Contrary to the rule which forbade the carrying of weapons on
a feast - day.
The high priest's servant. See on Matthew 26:5... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy sword. Omit thy, and read, the sword.
Sheath [θ η κ η ν]. Only here in the New Testament. From tiqhmi,
to put. That into which the sword is put.
The cup. Compare Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42. Peculiar to
John.... [ Continue Reading ]
The captain [χ ι λ ι α ρ χ ο ς]. See on Mark 6:21, and on
centurion, Luke 7:2.
Took [σ υ ν ε λ α β ο ν]. Rev., better, seized. It is the
technical word for arresting. Literally, took with them, of which
there is a suggestion in the modern policeman's phrase, go along with
me. Compare Luke 22:54.
13... [ Continue Reading ]
Annas first. This supplies the detail of an examination preliminary to
that before the high - priest, which is omitted by the Synoptists.
Father - in - law [π ε ν θ ε ρ ο ς]. Only here in the New
That same year. See on 11 49.... [ Continue Reading ]
Followed [η κ ο λ ο υ θ ε ι]. Imperfect, was following.
The other disciple. The correct reading omits the article. Another.
Probably John himself.
Palace [α υ λ η ν]. Not palace, but court, as Rev. See on Matthew
26:3; Luke 11:21.... [ Continue Reading ]
Stood. Properly, was standing.
Door. The door opening from the street into the court.
Her that kept the door [τ η θ υ ρ ω ρ ω]. See on 10 3.... [ Continue Reading ]
The damsel [η π α ι δ ι σ κ η]. See on Acts 12:13.
Art thou [μ η σ υ]. The question is put in a negative form, as if
expecting a negative answer : thou art not, art thou?
Also. Showing that she recognized John as a disciple.... [ Continue Reading ]
Stood. It is discouraging to see how the A. V. habitually ignores the
imperfect tense, and thus detracts from the liveliness of the
narrative. Render, as Rev., were standing.
Fire of coals [α ν θ ρ α κ ι α ν]. Only here and John 21:9.
Matthew does not mention the fire. Mark has to fwv, strictly, th... [ Continue Reading ]
Asked [η ρ ω τ η σ ε ν]. Or, questioned.
Doctrine [δ ι δ α χ η ς]. Rev., better, teaching.... [ Continue Reading ]
In the synagogue [ε ν τ η σ υ ν α γ ω γ η]. The best texts
omit the article. Render, in synagogue : when the people were
assembled. Like our phrase, in church.
Always resort [π α ν τ ο τ ε σ υ ν ε ρ χ ο ν τ α ι].
For pantote always, read pantev all. Sunercontai is rather come
together, assemble. Re... [ Continue Reading ]
Struck - with the palm of his hand [ε δ ω κ ε ρ α π ι σ μ
α]. Literally, gave a blow. Interpreters differ as to whether it was
a blow with a rod, or with the hand. The kindred verb rJapizw, from
rJapiv, a rod, is etymologically related to rJabdizw, from rJabdov, a
rod, and occurs Matthew 5:39, of sm... [ Continue Reading ]
Annas had sent [α π ε σ τ ε ι λ ε ν ο α ν ν α ς]. The
best texts insert oun, therefore. The rendering of the aorist by the
pluperfect here is inadmissible, and is a device to bring this
examination of Jesus into harmony with that described in Matthew
26:56-68, and to escape the apparent inconsistenc... [ Continue Reading ]
The cock crew. The Greek has not the definite article. See on Matthew
26:34. The use of the article would seem to mark the time, cock -
crowing, rather than the incident.
28 - 38. Compare Matthew 27:1; Matthew 27:2; 11 - 14; Mark 14:1-6;
Luke 23:1-5.... [ Continue Reading ]
Led [α γ ο υ σ ι ν]. Present tense, lead.
Hall of judgment [π ρ α ι τ ω ρ ι ο ν]. A Latin word,
proetorium, transcribed. Originally, the general's tent. In the Roman
provinces it was the name for the official residence of the Roman
governor, as here. Compare Acts 23:35. It came to be applied to any... [ Continue Reading ]
Pilate. Note the abruptness with which he is introduced as one well
known. Two derivations of the name are given. Pilatus, one armed with
the pilum or javelin, like Torquatus, one adorned with a collar [τ ο
ρ θ υ ε σ]. Or, a contraction from Pileatus, wearing the pileus
or cap, which was the badge o... [ Continue Reading ]
Malefactor [κ α κ ο π ο ι ο ς]. Rev., evil - doer. From
kakon, evil, and poiew, to do. Luke uses a different word, kakourgov,
from kakon, evil, and ergw, to work. See on 1 Peter 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
Take ye him [λ α β ε τ ε α υ τ ο ν υ μ ε ι ς]. The A.
V. obscures the emphatic force of uJmeiv, you. Pilate's words display
great practical shrewdness in forcing the Jews to commit themselves to
the admission that they desired Christ's death. "Take him yourselves
(so Rev.), and judge him according t... [ Continue Reading ]
By what death [π ο ι ω θ α ν α τ ω]. More correctly, by what
manner of death. So Rev. Compare John 12:32; Matthew 20:19.
Crucifixion was not a Jewish punishment.... [ Continue Reading ]
Art thou [σ υ ε ι]. Thou is emphatic. Thou, the despised
malefactor. King of the Jews. The civil title. The theocratic title,
king of Israel (i. 49; John 12:13) is addressed to Jesus on the cross
(Matthew 27:42; Mark 14:32) in mockery.... [ Continue Reading ]
Am I a Jew ? As if Jesus ' question implied that Pilate had been
taking counsel with the Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]
Servants [υ π η ρ ε τ α ι]. Only in this passage in the
Gospels, of Christians. Compare Acts 13:5; 1 Corinthians 4:1.
Corresponding with Christ as a king.
Fight [η γ ω ν ι ζ ο ν τ ο]. The imperfect tense, denoting
action in progress : would now be striving.... [ Continue Reading ]
Art thou then [ο υ κ ο υ ν ε ι σ υ]. The interrogative
particle oujkoun, not therefore, occurs only here in the New
Testament. It is ironical. In ver. 33 the emphasis is on thou : here
upon king. So then, after all, thou art a king.
Was I born - came I [γ ε γ ε ν ν η μ α ι - ε λ η λ υ θ
α]. Both per... [ Continue Reading ]
Truth. Not with the article as in the previous verse, the truth. Jesus
meant the absolute truth : Pilate, truth in any particular case.
"Pilate's exclamation is neither the expression of an ardent thirst
for truth, nor that of the despair of a soul which has long sought it
in vain; it is the profess... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye have a custom. The word sunhqeia, custom, originally means
intimacy, habitual intercourse, and thence naturally passes into the
meaning of habit or custom. Only John puts the statement of this
custom into the mouth of Pilate. Matthew and Mark relate it as a fact.
At the Passover [ε ν τ ω π α σ χ... [ Continue Reading ]
Cried [ε κ ρ α υ γ α σ α ν]. Peculiarly of a loud,
importunate cry; a shout. Plato uses it of the howling of a dog : "The
yelping hound, howling [κ ρ α υ γ α ζ ο υ σ α] at her Lord"
(" Republic, " 607). Others, of the cries of spectators in the
theaters and of the croak of a raven. See on Matthew 14... [ Continue Reading ]