John 3:1

A man. With a reference to the last word of the previous chapter. The interview with Nicodemus is, apart from the important truth which it embodies, an illustration of Christ's knowledge of what was in man. Godet truthfully observes that John reminds us by the word anqrwpov (man), that Nicodemus was... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:2

To Jesus. The best texts substitute prov aujton, to him. By night. Through timidity, fearing to compromise his dignity, and possibly his safety. The fact is noticed again, John 19:39 (see on 7 50). By night, "when Jewish superstition would keep men at home." He could reach Jesus ' apartment without... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:3

Answered and said. See on 2 18. Verily, verily. See on 1 51. Be born again [γ ε ν ν η θ η α ν ω θ ε ν]. See on Luke 1:3. Literally, from the top (Matthew 27:51). Expositors are divided on the rendering of anwqen, some translating, from above, and others, again or anew. The word is used in the foll... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:4

When he is old [γ ε ρ ω ν ω ν]. Literally, being an old man. Can he [μ η δ υ ν α τ α ι]. The interrogative particle anticipates a negative answer. Surely he cannot. Second time. Nicodemus looks at the subject merely from the physical side. His second time is not the same as Jesus ' anew. As Godet... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:5

Born of water and the Spirit. The exposition of this much controverted passage does not fall within the scope of this work. We may observe, 1. That Jesus here lays down the preliminary conditions of entrance into His kingdom, expanding and explaining His statement in ver. 3. 2. That this condition... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:6

That which is born [τ ο γ ε γ ε ν ν η ε ν ο ν]. Strictly, that which hath been born, and consequently is now before us as born. The aorist tense (3, 4, 5, 7), marks the fact of birth; the perfect (as here), the state of that which has been born (see on 1 John 5:18, where both tenses occur); the neut... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:7

Unto thee - ye must. Note the change from the singular to the plural pronoun. In his address to Nicodemus (thee) the Lord had spoken also to those whom Nicodemus represented, and whom he had included when he said "we know" (ver. 2). His error was the error of his class.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:8

The wind [τ ο π ν ε υ μ α]. Some hold by the translation spirit, as Wyc., the spirit breatheth where it will. In Hebrew the words spirit and wind are identical. Pneuma is from pnew to breathe or blow, the verb used in this verse (bloweth), and everywhere in the New Testament of the blowing of the wi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:10

Answered and said. See on 2 18. Art thou a master of Israel [σ υ ε ι ο δ ι δ α σ κ α λ ο ς τ ο υ ι σ ρ α η λ]. The su, thou, is emphatic. A master is more correctly rendered by Rev., the teacher. Not ironical, but the article marks Nicodemus ' official relation to the people, and gives additional f... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:11

We speak - we know - we have seen. After the use of the singular number in vv. 3, 5, 7, 12, the plural here is noteworthy. It is not merely rhetorical - "a plural of majesty" - but is explained by ver. 8, "every one that is born of the Spirit." The new birth imparts a new vision. The man who is born... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:12

Have told [ε ι π ο ν]. Rendering the aorist more strictly, I told. Earthly things [τ α ε π ι γ ε ι α]. Compounded of ejpi, upon, and gh, earth. In Colossians 3:2, the adjective appears in its analyzed form, ta ejpi thv ghv, things on the earth. It is in this literal sense it is to be taken here; no... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:13

And [κ α ι]. Note the simple connective particle, with nothing to indicate the logical sequence of the thought. Hath ascended. Equivalent to hath been in. Jesus says that no one has been in heaven except the Son of man who came down out of heaven; because no man could be in heaven without having as... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:14

Must [δ ε ι]. Must signifies the eternal necessity in the divine counsels. Compare Luke 24:26; Luke 24:46; Matthew 26:54; Mark 8:31; John 12:34. Lifted up [υ ψ ω θ η ν α ι]. The following are the uses of the word in the New Testament : The exaltation of pride (Matthew 11:23; Luke 10:15; Luke 14:11).... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:15

Believeth in Him [π ι σ τ ε υ ω ν ε ι ς α υ τ ο ν]. The best texts read ejn aujtw, construing with have eternal life, and rendering may in Him have eternal life. So Rev.. Should not perish, but. The best texts omit. Have eternal life. A characteristic phrase of John for live forever. See vv. 16, 3... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:16

The world [κ ο σ μ ο ν]. See on 1 9. Gave. Rather than sent; emphasizing the idea of sacrifice. Only - begotten Son. See on 1 14. Have. See on ver. 15. This attitude of God toward the world is in suggestive contrast with that in which the gods of paganism are represented. Thus Juno says to Vulc... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:17

Sent [α π ε σ τ ε ι λ ε ν]. See on 1 6. Sent rather than gave (ver. 16), because the idea of sacrifice is here merged in that of authoritative commission. His Son. The best texts read ton, the, for aujtou, his. Condemn [κ ρ ι ν η]. Better, as Rev., judge. Condemn is katakrinw, not used by John (Ma... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:18

Is condemned already [η δ η κ ε κ ρ ι τ α ι]. Rev., more correctly, hath been judged already. Unbelief, in separating from Christ, implies judgment. He has been judged in virtue of his unbelief.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:19

This. That is, herein consists the judgment. The prefacing a statement with this is, and then defining the statement by oti or ina, that, is characteristic of John. See John 14:12; John 17:3; 1 John 1:5; 1 John 5:11; 1 John 5:14; 3 John 1:6. Light [τ ο φ ω ς]. Rev., correctly, the light. See John 1:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:20

Doeth [π ρ α σ σ ω ν]. The present participle, indicating habit and general tendency. Evil [φ α υ λ α]. Rev., ill. A different word from that in the previous verse. Originally, light, paltry, trivial, and so worthless. Evil, therefore, considered on the side of worthlessness. See on James 3:16. Les... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:21

Doeth the truth [π ο ι ω ν τ η ν α λ η θ ε ι α ν]. The phrase occurs only here and in 1 John 1:6. Note the contrasted phrase, doeth evil (ver. 20). There the plural is used : doeth evil things; evil being represented by a number of bad works. Here the singular, the truth, or truth; truth being regar... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:22

The land of Judaea [τ η ν ι ο υ δ α ι α ν γ η ν]. Literally, the Judaean land. The phrase occurs only here in the New Testament. Tarried (die triben). The verb originally means to rub, hence to wear away, consume; and so of spending or passing time. Baptized [ε β α π τ ι ζ ε ν]. The imperfect tens... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:23

Was baptizing [η ν β α π τ ι ζ ω ν]. The substantive verb with the participle also indicating continuous or habitual action; was engaged in baptizing. Aenon, near to Salim. The situation is a matter of conjecture. The word, Aenon is probably akin to the Hebrew ayin, an eye, a spring. See on James 3... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:25

Then [ο υ ν]. Not a particle of time but of consequence; therefore, because of both Jesus and John baptizing. Question [ζ η τ η σ ι ς]. Rev., more correctly, questioning. Question would be zhthma, always in the sense of a question in debate. The word here represents the process of inquiry. Between... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:26

Behold [ι δ ε]. Used by both Matthew and Mark, not by Luke, but very frequently by John. Baptizeth - come. The present would be better rendered by is baptizing, are coming.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:27

Receive. Answering to given. Be given [η δ ε δ ο μ ε ν ο ν]. Rev., more correctly, have been given. From heaven. Literally, out of heaven [ε κ].... [ Continue Reading ]

John 3:29

The bride. A common figure in the Old testament prophecies, of the relation between Jehovah and His people (Ezekiel 16; Hosea 2:19; Malachi 2:11). See also on Matthew 1:21, concerning Hosea. Friend of the bridegroom. Or groomsman. The term is appropriate to Judaea, the groomsmen not being customary... [ Continue Reading ]

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