Therefore. Pointing back to John 3:22, and the controversy which arose
about the two baptisms.
The Lord. See on Matthew 21:3.
Knew [ε γ ν ω], or perceived. See on 2 24.
Pharisees. John never alludes to the Sadducees by name. The Pharisees
represented the opposition to Jesus, the most powerful and... [ Continue Reading ]
Though [κ α ι τ ο ι γ ε]. Literally, and yet. The report of
Jesus ' baptizing brought to the Baptist by his disciples is
Baptized. The imperfect tense : it was not His practice to baptize.... [ Continue Reading ]
He left [α φ η κ ε]. The verb means literally to send away,
dismiss. It is used of forgiving offenses (Matthew 6:43; James 5:15);
of yielding up (Matthew 27:50); of letting alone (Matthew 19:14); of
allowing or permitting (Luke 6:12). See on these passages. Its
employment here is peculiar. Compare J... [ Continue Reading ]
Must needs. Because this was the natural route from Jerusalem to
Galilee. Possibly with a suggestion of the necessity arising from the
Father's will. John does not put this as a mission undertaken to the
Samaritans. Jesus observed the law which He imposed on His disciples
(Matthew 10:5).... [ Continue Reading ]
Then [ο υ ν]. Not a particle of time, but of logical connection.
Therefore, going by this route, He must needs, etc.
City. Not implying a place of great size or importance. Compare John
11:54; Matthew 2:23.
Sychar. Commonly identified with Schechem, the modern Nablous, and
regarded as a corruption... [ Continue Reading ]
Well [π η γ η]. Strictly, spring. The word for cistern or well is
frear, which John uses at vv. 11, 12. Elsewhere in the New Testament
always of a pit. See Luke 14:5; Revelation 9:1; Revelation 9:2. There
is no mention of Jacob's Well in the Old Testament. The traditional
well still remains. "At the... [ Continue Reading ]
A woman. Held in low esteem by the popular teachers; a Samaritan, and
therefore despised by the Jews; poor, for drawing water was not, as in
earlier times, performed by women of station (Genesis 24:15; Genesis
29:9). Of Samaria. Literally, out of Samaria [ε κ]. Not of the city
of Samaria, which was... [ Continue Reading ]
The woman of Samaria [η γ υ ν η η σ α μ α ρ ε ι τ ι
ς]. Differently expressed from the same phrase in the preceding
verse. Literally, the woman the Samaritan. Here the distinctive
character of the woman, as indicated by the race, is emphasized.
Askest [α ι τ ε ι ς]. See on Matthew 14:23.
Have no de... [ Continue Reading ]
If thou knewest, etc. Answering rather something latent in the
question than the question itself, as in Jesus ' first answer to
Nicodemus. The gift [δ ω ρ ε α ν]. Only here in the Gospels,
though Luke uses it in Acts four times, and the kindred adverb,
dwrhma, freely, is found once in Matthew. The w... [ Continue Reading ]
To draw with [α ν τ λ η μ α]. The noun means what is drawn, the
act of drawing, and the thing to draw with. Here the bucket, of skin,
with three cross sticks at the mouth to keep it open, and let down by
a goat's - hair rope. Not to be confounded with the water - pot [υ δ
ρ ι α] of ver. 28. The word... [ Continue Reading ]
Art thou greater [μ η σ υ μ ε ι ζ ω ν]. The interrogative
particle indicates that a negative answer is expected : Surely thou
art not. The su, thou, first in the sentence, is emphatic, and
possibly with a shade of contempt.
Our father Jacob. The Samaritans claimed descent from Joseph, as
representi... [ Continue Reading ]
Whosoever drinketh [π α ς ο π ι η]. Literally, every one that
drinketh. So Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]
Whosoever drinketh [ο ς δ α ν π ι η]. So Rev.. The A. V.
renders the two expressions in the same way, but there is a difference
in the pronouns, indicated, though very vaguely, by every one that and
whosoever, besides a more striking difference in the verb drinketh. In
the former case, the article w... [ Continue Reading ]
Husband [α ν δ ρ α]. See on 1 30.... [ Continue Reading ]
Well [κ α λ ω ς]. Aptly, truly. Compare John 8:48; Matthew 14:7;
Luke 20:39.... [ Continue Reading ]
I perceive [θ ε ω ρ ω]. See on 1 18. Not immediate perception,
but rather, I perceive as I observe thee longer and more carefully.
A prophet. See on Luke 7:26. The order is a prophet art thou; the
emphasis being on prophet.... [ Continue Reading ]
Our fathers. Probably meaning the ancestors of the Samaritans, as far
back as the building of the temple on Mount Gerizim in the time of
Nehemiah. This temple had been destroyed by John Hyrcanus, 129 B. C.,
but the place remained holy, and to this day the Samaritans yearly
celebrate there the feast... [ Continue Reading ]
The hour cometh [ε ρ χ ε τ α ι ω ρ α]. Rather an hour. There
is no article. Is coming; is even now on its way.
Shall ye worship [π ρ ο σ κ υ ν η σ ε τ ε]. See on Acts
10:25. The word was used indefinitely in ver. 20. Here with the
Father, thus defining true worship.
The Father. This absolute use of... [ Continue Reading ]
Ye know not what [ο ο υ κ ο ι δ α τ ε]. Literally, what ye
know not. Rev., rightly, that which ye know not. Compare Acts 17:23,
where the correct reading is o, what, instead of on, whom : "what
therefore ye worship in ignorance." This worship of the unknown is
common to vulgar ignorance and to philo... [ Continue Reading ]
And now is. This could not be added in ver. 21, because local worship
was not yet abolished; but it was true as regarded the true worship of
the Father by His true worshippers, for Jesus was already surrounded
by a little band of such, and more were soon to be added (vv. 39 -
42). Bengel says that t... [ Continue Reading ]
God is a Spirit [π ν ε υ μ α ο θ ε ο ς]. Or, as Rev., in
margins, God is spirit. Spirit is the emphatic word; Spirit is God.
The phrase describes the nature, not the personality of God. Compare
the expressions, God is light; God is love (1 John 1:5; 1 John 4:8).... [ Continue Reading ]
Messiah cometh. The woman uses the Jewish name, which was known in
Samaria. The Samaritans also expected the Messiah, basing their hopes
on such Scriptures as Genesis 3:15; Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17;
Deuteronomy 18:15. They looked for Him to restore the kingdom of
Israel and to re - establish the... [ Continue Reading ]
I - am He [ε ι μ ι]. Literally, I am. The less political
conception of the Samaritan Messiah made it possible for Jesus to
announce Himself to the woman without fear of being misunderstood as
He was by the Jews.
Compare Matthew 8:4; Matthew 16:20.
This incident furnishes a notable illustration of o... [ Continue Reading ]
Came - marvelled [η λ θ α ν - ε θ α υ μ α ζ ο ν]. The
tense of each verb is different : the aorist, came, marking as in a
single point of time the disciples ' arrival, and the imperfect, they
were wondering, marking something continued : they stood and
contemplated him talking with the woman, and al... [ Continue Reading ]
Water - pot. See on 2 6.... [ Continue Reading ]
All things. Jesus ' insight in the one case convinced her that He knew
everything, and to her awakened conscience it seemed as though He had
told everything.
Is not this the Christ [μ η τ ι ε σ τ ι ν] ? Rather, as Rev.,
can this be. The particle suggests a negative answer. Surely this
cannot be, ye... [ Continue Reading ]
Then. Omit.
Went out - came unto Him [ε ξ η λ θ ο ν - η ρ χ ο ν τ ο
π ρ ο ς α υ τ ο ν]. Went out is the aorist tense, denoting
the coming forth from the city as a single act at a point of time.
Came is the imperfect, denoting action in progress. The observance of
the distinction makes the narrative... [ Continue Reading ]
Meat (brwsin). Originally the act of eating (Colossians 2:16), but
often of that which is eaten. A parallel is found in the vulgar
phrase, a thing is good or poor eating. The word is always used by
Paul in its original sense.
Know not of [ο υ κ ο ι δ α τ ε]. Incorrect. Rev., rightly, ye
know not; i... [ Continue Reading ]
Said [ε λ ε γ ο ν]. Imperfect tense : began to say, or were
saying. The question was discussed among them.
One to another. Fearing to ask Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]
Meat [β ρ ω μ α]. A different word from that in ver. 32,
signifying what is eaten.
To do [ι ν α π ο ι ω]. Literally, in order that I do.
Emphasizing the end and not the process. Frequently so used in John.
See on 3 19.
Finish [π ε λ ε ι ω σ ω]. Better, as Rev., accomplish. Not
merely bring to an en... [ Continue Reading ]
Say not ye. In what follows, Jesus is contrasting the natural harvest
- time with the spiritual, which was immediately to take place in the
ingathering of the Samaritans. Ye is emphatic, marking what the
disciples expect according to the order of nature. As you look on
these green fields between Eba... [ Continue Reading ]
Herein [ε ν τ ο υ τ ω]. Literally, in this. In this relation
between sower and reaper.
Is that saying true [ο λ ο γ ο ς ε σ τ ι ν ο α λ η θ
ι ν ο ς]. Rev., properly, the saying; the common proverb. True :
not only says the truth, but the saying is completely fulfilled
according to the ideal in the... [ Continue Reading ]
I sent [ε γ ω α π ε σ τ ε ι λ α]. The I is emphatic. The
aorist tense points back to the mission of the disciples as involved
in their original call. Other men. Jesus himself and all who had
prepared the way for Him, such as John the Baptist.
Labored [κ ε κ ο π ι α κ α σ ι]. The perfect tense. Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]
The saying [τ ο ν λ ο γ ο ν]. Rev., better, the word. It does
not refer merely to the woman's statement, He told me, etc., but to
her whole testimony [μ α ρ τ υ ρ ο υ σ η ς] concerning
Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
To tarry [μ ε ι ν α ι]. Better, as Rev., to abide.... [ Continue Reading ]
Many more [π ο λ λ ω π λ ε ι]. Literally, more by much; i e.,
far more, with reference to the simple polloi, many, in ver. 39.... [ Continue Reading ]
Said [ε λ ε γ ο ν]. The imperfect tense : said to the woman as
they successively met her.
Saying [λ α λ ι α ν]. Another word is designedly substituted for
logon, word (vv. 39, 41). In ver. 39 logov, word, is used of the
woman, from the Evangelist's standpoint, as being a testimony to
Christ. Here t... [ Continue Reading ]
For - in His own country [γ α ρ - ε ν τ η ι δ ι α π α τ
ρ ι δ ι]. For assigns the reason why Jesus went into Galilee. By
His own country, Judaea seems to... [ Continue Reading ]