Raging [α γ ρ ι α]. Rev., wild, which is better, as implying quality rather than act. Waves, by nature untamed. The act or expression of the nature is given by the next word.

Foaming out [ε π α φ ρ ι ζ ο ν τ α]. Only here in New Testament. Compare Isaiah 57:20.

Shame [α ι σ χ υ ν α ς]. Lit., shames or disgraces.

Wandering stars. Compare 2 Peter 2:17. Possibly referring to comets, which shine a while and then pass into darkness. "They belong, not to the system : they stray at random and without law, and must at last be severed from the lights which rule while they are ruled" (Lumby).

Blackness [ζ ο φ ο ς]. See on 2 Peter 2:4.

Of darkness [τ ο υ σ κ ο τ ο υ ς]. Lit., "the darkness," the article pointing back to the darkness already mentioned, ver. 6.

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Old Testament