Separate themselves [α π ο δ ι ο ρ ι ζ ο ν τ ε ς]. Only here in New Testament. Themselves is unnecessary. Better, as Rev., make separations; i e., cause divisions in the church. The verb is compounded with ajpo, away; dia, though; orov, a boundary line. Of those who draw a line through the church and set off one part from another.

Sensual [ψ υ χ ι κ ο ι]. See on Mark 12:30. As yuch denotes life in the distinctness of individual existence, "the center of the personal being, the I of each individual," so this adjective derived from it denotes what pertains to man as man, the natural personality as distinguished from the renewed man. So 1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 14:44. The rendering sensual, here and James 3:15, is inferential : sensual because natural and unrenewed. In contrast with this is The spirit. The higher spiritual life. So the adjective pneumatikov, spiritual, is everywhere in the New Testament opposed to yucikov, natural. See 1 Corinthians 14:44; 1 Corinthians 14:46.

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Old Testament