Stood [σ α τ θ ε ι ς]. Lit., having been placed. Took his stand. It implies taking up his position ostentatiously; striking an attitude. But no necessarily in a bad sense. See on ch. Luke 19:8; and compare Acts 5:20. Standing was the ordinary posture of the Jews in prayer. Compare Matthew 6:5; Mark 11:25.

Prayed [π ρ ο σ η υ χ ε τ ο]. Imperfect : began to pray, or proceeded to pray. Other men [ο ι λ ο ι π ο ι τ ω ν α ν θ ρ ω π ω ν]. Lit., the rest of men. See on ver. Luke 18

:9A Jewish saying is quoted that a true Rabbin ought to thank God every day of his life; 1, that he was not created a Gentile; 2, that he was not a plebeian; 3, that he was not born a woman.

Extortioners. As the publicans.

This publican. Lit., this (one), the publican. This publican here. "He lets us see, even in the general enumeration, that he is thinking of the publican, so, afterward, he does not omit directly to mention him" (Goebel).

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Old Testament