Luke 2:1

Decree [δ ο γ μ α]. Wyc., mandment. From dokew, to think. Hence, strictly, a personal opinion; and, as the opinion of one who can impose his opinion authoritatively on others, a decree. The world [τ η ν ο ι κ ο υ μ ε ν η ν]. Lit., the inhabited (land). The phrase was originally used by the Greek s t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:2

And this taxing was first made [α υ τ η η α π ο γ ρ α φ η π ρ ω τ η ε γ ε ν ε τ ο]. Rather, this occurred as the first enrolment; or, as Rev., this was the first enrolment made; with reference to a second enrolment which took place about eleven years later, and is referred to in Acts 5:37.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:3

Went [ε π ο ρ ε υ ο ν τ ο]. The A. V. and Rev., alike miss the graphic force of the imperfect tense, were going. The preparation and bustle and travel were in progress. To his own city. The town to which the village or place of their birth belonged, and where the house and lineage of each were regis... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:4

House and lineage. According to the Jewish mode of registration the people would be enrolled by tribes, families or clans, and households. Compare Joshua 7:16-18. Rev., house and family.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:5

To be taxed with Mary. We may read either, went up with Mary, denoting merely the fact of her accompanying him; or, to enroll himself with Mary, implying that both their names must be registered. Espoused. Not merely betrothed. See Matthew 1:20; Matthew 1:24; Matthew 1:25; also on Matthew 1:18. Gre... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:7

Her first born son. The Greek reads literally, her son, the first born. Wrapped in swaddling clothes [ε σ π α ρ γ α ν ω σ ε ν]. Only here and verse Luke 2:1 2Naturally found often in medical writings. Swaddle is swathel, from the verb to swathe. In a manger [ε ν φ α τ ν η]. Used by Luke only, here... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:9

Behold. Omitted by the best texts. The angel. More correctly an angel, as Rev. The Greek has no article. Came upon [ε π ε σ τ η]. The word is used in this sense in classical Greek, as well as in that of to stand by, which Rev. prefers here, as in Acts 12:7. In verse 38 of this chapter, Rev. renders... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:10

I bring you good tidings of great joy [ε υ α γ γ ε λ ι ζ ο μ α ι υ μ ι ν χ α ρ α ν μ ε γ α λ η ν]. Wyc. is strictly literal : I evangelize to you a great joy. Which [η τ ι ς]. Of a class or character which, etc. People (tw law). Rev., rightly, "the people;" the article pointing specially to the pe... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:11

Is born [ε τ ε χ θ η]. It adds to the vividness of the narrative to keep to the strict rendering of the aorist, was born. A Savior. See on Matthew 1:21. Christ. See on Matthew 1:1. Lord. See on Matthew 21:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:12

Sign [σ η μ ε ι ο ν]. See on Matthew 11:20. The babe [β ρ ε φ ο ς]. See on 1 Peter 2:2. Rev., properly, "a babe." No article.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:13

A multitude of the heavenly host. Host [σ τ ρ α τ ι α ς] is literally army. "Here the army announces peace" (Bengel). Wyc., heavenly knighthood. Tynd., heavenly soldiers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:14

Peace, good will toward men [ε ι ρ η ν η ε ν α ν θ ρ ω π ο ι ς ε υ δ ο κ ι α]. Both Tischendorf and Westcott and Hort read eujdokiav, which the Rev. follows. According to this the rendering is, unto men of good pleasure, or as Rev., among men in whom he is well pleased. Wyc., to men of good will. Fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:15

The shepherds. Some texts add oiJ anqrwpoi, the men; but the latter texts omit. Let us go (die lqwmen). The preposition dia, through, implies through the intervening space. Thing [ρ η μ α]. See on chapter Luke 1:37. The utterance of the shepherds contains a climax : "Let us go and see this saying,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:16

Found (ajneuran). Only here and Acts 21:4. Ana indicates the discovery of the facts in succession. Mary and Joseph and the babe. Each has the article, pointing to the several parties already referred to.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:17

They made known. See on verse 8. These shepherds, having charge of flocks devoted to sacrifice, would presently be in the temple, and would meet those who came to worship and to sacrifice, and so proclaim the Messiah in the temple.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:19

Kept [σ υ ν ε τ η ρ ε ι]. See on the simple verb threw, on 1 Peter 1:4. The word signifies not merely to guard, but to keep, as the result of guarding. Hence the compound verb is very expressive : kept, sun, with or within herself : closely. Note the imperfect tense : was keeping all the while. Pond... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:22

The days of her purification [α ι η μ ε ρ α ι τ ο υ κ α θ α ρ ι σ μ ο υ α υ τ η ς]. The A. V. follows the reading aujthv, her : but all the best texts read aujtwn, their; the plural including Joseph with Mary as partaking of the ceremonial defilement. The mother of a child was levitically unclean fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:23

The law of the Lord. The word law occurs in this chapter five times; oftener than in all the rest of this Gospel put together. Luke emphasizes the fact that Jesus "was made under the law" (Galatians 4:4), and accordingly elaborates the details of the fulfilment of the law by the parents of both John... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:24

A pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons. The offering of the poor. While the lamb would probably cost about one dollar and seventy five cents, the doves would cost about sixteen cents. She would not bring the creatures themselves, but would drop the price into one of the thirteen trumpet shaped... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:25

Devout [ε υ λ α β η ς]. Used by Luke only. The kindred word, eujlabeia, godly fear, occurs twice : Hebrews 5:7; Hebrews 12:28. From eu, well, and lambanw, to take hold of. Hence of a circumspect or cautious person who takes hold of things carefully. As applied to morals and religion, it emphasizes t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:26

It was revealed [η ν κ ε χ ρ η μ α τ ι σ μ ε ν ο ν]. Lit., it was having been revealed; i e., it stood revealed, while he waited for the fulfilment of the revelation. The verb means primarily to have dealings with; thence to consult or debate about business matter; and so of an oracle, to give a res... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:27

By the Spirit [ε ν τ ω π ν ε υ μ α τ ι]. Lit., as Rev., "in the Spirit :" the Holy Spirit prompting him. Indicating rather his spiritual condition, as one who walked with God, than a special divine impulse. After the custom [κ α τ α τ ο ε ι θ ι σ μ ε ν ο ν]. Lit., according to that which was wont t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:29

Lettest thou thy servant depart [α π ο λ υ ε ι ς τ ο ν δ ο υ λ ο ν]. Lit., thou dost release. The word is often used of manumitting or setting free on payment of ransom; and as Simeon uses the word for bond servant, it is evident that his death is conceived by him under the figure of enfranchisement... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:31

Of all people (pantwn twn law n). The noun is plural, the peoples, and refers equally to the Gentiles. See Introduction, on the universality of Luke's Gospel. Wyc., all peoples; and so Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:32

A light [φ ω ς]. The light itself as distinguished from lucnov, a lamp, which the A. V. often unfortunately renders light. See on Mark 14:54. To lighten [ε ι ς α π ο κ α λ υ ψ ι ν]. Wrong. Rev., correctly, for revelation. Wyc., to the shewing. It may be rendered the unveiling of the Gentiles. Gentil... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:33

And Joseph. The best texts read oJ pathr aujtou, his father. Marvelled [η ν θ α υ μ α ζ ο ν τ ε ς]. The Greek construction is peculiar. His father was and his mother wondering; the finite verb in the singular agreeing with the father, while the plural participle agrees with both. As usual, this comb... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:34

Them. The parents; the child being separately and specially designated. Is set [κ ε ι τ α ι]. The verb means primarily to be laid, and so to lie : hence to be set forth or promulgated, as the law is said to be laid down, and so, appointed or destined, as here. The fall and rising again (ptwsin kai... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:35

A sword [ρ ο μ φ α ι α]. Strictly, a large Thracian broadsword. Used in Setpuagint of the sword of Goliath (1 Samuel 17:51). A figure of Mary's pang when her son should be nailed to the cross.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:36

A prophetess [π ρ ο φ η τ ι ς]. Only here and Revelation 2:20. Asher. That tribe was celebrated in tradition for the beauty of its women, and their fitness to be wedded to high priests or kings. Of great age [π ρ ο β ε β η κ υ ι α ε ν η μ ε ρ α ι ς π ο λ λ α ι ς]. Lit., advanced in many days.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:37

Of about fourscore and four years [ω ς ε τ ω ν ο γ δ ο η κ ο ν τ α τ ε σ σ α ρ ω ν]. The A. V. might be supposed to be stating her age; but the best texts read ewv, until, instead of wv, about; and the statement refers to the time of her widowhood; a widow even for (or up to) fourscore and four year... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:38

Coming up [ε π ι σ τ α σ α]. See on verse 9. Gave thanks [α ν θ ω μ ο λ ο γ ε ι τ ο]. The verb originally means to make a mutual agreement; and the idea of reciprocity is retained in the expression "to return thanks" for something received. Compare Sept., Psalms 79:13. Spake. Not a public utterance,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:40

The child grew, etc. The Jews marked the stages of a child's development by nine different terms : the new born babe (Isaiah 9:6); the suckling (Isaiah 11:8); the suckling beginning to ask for food (Lamentations 4:4); the weaned child (Isaiah 28:9); the child clinging to its mother (Jeremiah 40:7);... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:42

Twelve years old. At which age he was known as a son of the law, and came under obligation to observe the ordinances personally.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:43

Had fulfilled the days. Not necessarily the whole seven days of the festival. With the third day commenced the so called half holidays, when it was lawful to return home.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:44

The company [σ υ ν ο δ ι α]. From sun, with, and oJdov, the way. The company that shared the journey. Went a day's journey. Before they missed him. They sought [α ν ε ζ η τ ο υ ν]. From ajna, from the bottom up, and zhtew, to seek. Thus implying a thorough search : they looked for him up and down.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:46

After three days. From the time of separation. In the temple. "We read in the Talmud that the members of the Temple - Sanhedrin, who, on ordinary days, sat as a court of appeal from the close of the morning to the time of the evening sacrifice, were wont, upon Sabbaths and feast days, to come out u... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:47

Understanding [σ υ ν ε σ ε ι]. From sunihmi, to bring together. Hence that quality of mind which combines : understanding not only of facts, but of facts in their mutual relations. See on Mark 12:33; where there is meant "the love of a well pondered and duly considered resolution which determines th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:48

They were amazed [ε ξ ε π λ α γ η σ α ν]. A very strong word; the verb meaning, literally, to strike out or drive away from; and so to drive out of one's senses. Hence in the general sense of great amazement. Amaze is to throw into a maze or labyrinth; and so is closely akin to the Greek word here,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:49

And he said. The first saying of Jesus which is preserved to us. Must [δ ε ι]. Lit., it is necessary, or it behoves. A word often used by Jesus concerning his own appointed work, and expressing both the inevitable fulfilment of the divine counsels and the absolute constraint of the principle of duty... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:51

Was subject [η ν υ π ο τ α σ σ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. The participle and finite verb, denoting habitual, continuous subjection. "Even before, he had been subject to them; but this is mentioned now, when it might seem that he could by this time have exempted himself. Not even to the angels fell such an honor... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:52

Stature [η λ ι κ ι α]. Which Rev. rightly retains. The word may be rendered age, which would be superfluous here. :Luke 3 CHAPTER III 1 - 18. Compare Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8.... [ Continue Reading ]

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