Decree [δ ο γ μ α]. Wyc., mandment. From dokew, to think. Hence, strictly, a personal opinion; and, as the opinion of one who can impose his opinion authoritatively on others, a decree.

The world [τ η ν ο ι κ ο υ μ ε ν η ν]. Lit., the inhabited (land). The phrase was originally used by the Greek s to denote the land inhabited by themselves, in contrast with barbarian countries; afterward, when the Greek s became subject to the Romans, the entire Roman world; still later, for the whole inhabited world. In the New Testament this latter is the more common usage, though, in some cases, this is conceived in the mould of the Roman empire, as in this passage, Acts 11:28; Acts 19:27. Christ uses it in the announcement that the Gospel shall be preached in all theworld (Matthew 24:14); and Paul in the prediction of a general judgment (Acts 17:31). Once it is used of the world to come (Hebrews 2:5).

Be taxed [α π ο γ ρ α φ ε σ θ α ι]. The word means properly to register or enter in a list. Commentators are divided as to whether it refers to an enrollment for taxation, or for ascertaining the population. Rev., enrolled, which may be taken in either sense.

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Old Testament