They were amazed [ε ξ ε π λ α γ η σ α ν]. A very strong word; the verb meaning, literally, to strike out or drive away from; and so to drive out of one's senses. Hence in the general sense of great amazement. Amaze is to throw into a maze or labyrinth; and so is closely akin to the Greek word here, and is a faithful rendering.

Son [τ ε κ ν ο ν]. Lit., child. See on Matthew 1:1.

Thy father. "Up to this time Joseph had been so called by the holy child himself; but from this time never" (Alford).

Have sought [ε ζ η τ ο υ μ ε ν]. Imperfect tense : were seeking; Mary is going over in mind the process of the search.

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Old Testament