And he said. The first saying of Jesus which is preserved to us. Must [δ ε ι]. Lit., it is necessary, or it behoves. A word often used by Jesus concerning his own appointed work, and expressing both the inevitable fulfilment of the divine counsels and the absolute constraint of the principle of duty upon himself. See Matthew 16:21; Matthew 26:54; Mark 8:31; Luke 4:43; Luke 9:22; Luke 13:33; Luke 24:7; Luke 24:26; Luke 24:46; John 3:14; John 4:4; John 12:34. About my Father's business [ε ν τ ο ι ς τ ο υ π α τ ρ ο ς]. Lit., in the things of my Father. The words will bear this rendering; but the Rev. is better, in my Father's house. Mary's question was not as to what her son had been doing, but as to where he had been. Jesus, in effect, answers, "Where is a child to be found but in his Father's house ?"

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Old Testament