Luke 21:1

Treasury. See on Mark 12:41. Rich. Standing last and emphatically in the sentence, "Saw them that were casting, etc. - rich men." Not the rich only were casting in. Compare Mark 12:41.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:4

Offerings of God. The best texts omit of God. Rev., more simply, unto the gifts. Penury [υ σ τ ε ρ η μ α τ ο ς]. Lit., lack. Rev., neatly, of her want. 5 - 19. Compare Matthew 24:1-14; Mark 13:1-13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:5

Stones. See on Mark 13:1. Offerings [α ν α θ η μ α σ ι ν]. Only here in New Testament. From ajnatiqhmi, to set up. Hence of something set up in the temple as a votive offering. Such were the golden vines presented by Herod the Great, with bunches of grapes as large as a man, and mounted above the en... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:9

Commotions [α κ α τ α σ τ α σ ι α ς]. From aj, not, and kaqisthmi, to establish. Hence disestablishments; unsettlements. Rev., tumults. Be not terrified [μ η π τ ο η θ η τ ε]. Only here and ch. 24 37. By and by [ε υ θ ε ω ς]. Better as Rev. immediately.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:11

Earthquakes. See on Matthew 13:8. Famines and pestilences [λ ι μ ο ι κ α ι λ ο ι μ ο ι]. Some texts reverse the order of the words. A paronomasia or combination of like - sounding words : limoi, loimoi. Especially common in Paul's epistles. Fearful sights [φ ο β η τ ρ α]. Only here in New Testamen... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:19

Possess ye [κ τ η σ ε σ θ ε]. Wrong. See on ch. Luke 18:12. Rev. rightly, ye shall win. 20 - 36. Compare Matthew 24:15-42.Mark 13:14-37.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:23

Distress [α ν α γ κ η]. Originally constraint, necessity; thence force or violence, and in the classical poets, distress, anguish.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:24

Edge [σ τ ο μ α τ ι]. Lit., the mouth. So Wyc. Either in the sense of the foremost part, or picturing the sword as a devouring monster. In Hebrews 11:33; Hebrews 11:34, the word is used in both senses : "the mouths of lions;" " the edge of the sword. " Led away captive. See on captives, ch. 4 18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:25

Signs [σ η μ ε ι α]. See on Matthew 24:24. Distress [σ υ ν ο χ η]. Only here and 2 Corinthians 2:4. Kindred with sunecomenh, taken (ch. 4 38), on which see note. The original idea of the word is being held in a tight grasp. With perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring. The A. V. follows the read... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:26

Failing [α π ο ψ υ χ ο ν τ ω ν]. Only here in New Testament. The word originally means to leave off breathing; to swoon. Thus Homer, when Laertes recognizes Ulysses : "He threw Round his dear son his arms. The hardy chief, Ulysses, drew him fainting [α π ο ψ υ χ ο ν τ α] to his heart." Odyssey, 24,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:28

Look up. See on ch. Luke 13:11. Graphic, as implying being previously bowed down with sorrow. Redemption [α π ο λ υ τ ρ ω σ ι ς]. See on lettest depart, ch. 2 29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:30

Ye see [β λ ε π ο ν τ ε ς]. Lit., "looking, ye know," etc. Implying careful observation, with a view to determine the progress of the season. Know [γ ι ν ω σ κ ε τ ε]. Perceive would be better.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:31

Come to pass [γ ι ν ο μ ε ν α]. The present participle. Rev., more correctly, "coming to pass :" in process of fulfilment. Compare Mark 13:29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:34

Overcharged (barhqwsin). Weighed down. Compare ch. 9 32; 2 Corinthians 5:4. Surfeiting [κ ρ α ι π α λ η]. Only here in New Testament. Derivation uncertain : akin to the Latin crapula, intoxication. Trench finds an equivalent in fulsomeness, in its original sense of fulness. In the medical writings... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 21:38

Came early in the morning [ω ρ θ ρ ι ζ ε ν]. Only here in New Testament. :Luke 22 CHAPTER XXII 1 - 6. Compare Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16.... [ Continue Reading ]

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