Luke 23:5

Were the more fierce [ε π ι σ χ υ ο ν]. Only here in New Testament. The verb means, literally, to grow strong. See on ch. Luke 14:30; Luke 16:3. Here the sense is, they were more energetic and emphatic. Rev., urgent. Wyc., waxed stronger. Stirreth up [α ν α σ ε ι ε ι]. See on Mark 14:11. The increa... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:7

Sent [α ν ε π ε μ ψ ε ν]. Lit., sent him up [α ν α]. Used of sending up to a higher court. Compare Acts 25:21, of sending Paul to Caesar. It also means to send back, as in ver. 11, and Philippians 1:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:8

Of a long time [ε ξ ι κ α ν ο υ]. See on ch. Luke 7:6. Hoped [η λ π ι ζ ε ν]. Imperfect; was hoping - all this long time. Miracle [σ η μ ε ι ο ν]. See on Matthew 11:20; and compare Acts 2:22, Rev.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:10

Vehemently [ε υ τ ο ν ω ς]. Only here and Acts 18:28, of the preaching of Apollos. Originally the word means well - strung; hence, in medical language, of a well - toned body.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:11

Gorgeous [λ α μ π ρ α ν]. Lit., bright or brilliant. Compare Acts 10:30; Revelation 14:6. Wyc. and Tynd., white. Mark has purple (porfuran), and Matthew scarlet [κ ο κ κ ι ν η ν]. Apparel [ε δ θ η τ α]. The general term for raiment. Matthew specifies the garment (xxvii. 28). Mark has simply purple... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:14

Perverteth [α π ο σ τ ρ ε φ ο ν τ α]. Another compound of strefw, to turn; diastrefonta is rendered by the same word in ver. 2. Probably the words are used without any intentional distinction of meaning. Diastrefonta implies more of the idea of distraction (compare Wyc., turning upside down); turni... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:16

Chastise [π α ι δ ε υ σ α ς]. Originally to bring up a child [π α ι ς]. Hence, to instruct, so Acts 7:22, of Moses instructed in the wisdom of the Egyptians; and Acts 22:3, of Paul instructed in the law. To discipline or correct, as Hebrews 12:6; Hebrews 12:7. The word is not synonymous with punish,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:18

All together [π α μ π λ η θ ε ι]. The whole multitude [τ λ η θ ο ς] of them. Only here in New Testament. Away [α ι ρ ε]. Lit., take away. Compare Acts 21:36; Acts 22:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:20

Spake [π ρ ο σ ε φ ω ν η σ ε ν]. Addressed. Compare Acts 21:40; Acts 22:2. Always in the New Testament in the sense of to accost, whether an individual or a crowd.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:21

Shouted [ε π ε φ ω ν ο υ ν]. Imperfect. Kept shouting. Used by Luke only. Compare Acts 12:22; Acts 22:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:23

They were instant [ε π ε κ ε ι ν τ ο]. Instant, in the sense of urgent, pressing. See on ch. Luke 7:4. Compare Romans 12:12; 2 Timothy 4:2; Luke 7:4; Acts 26:7. The verb means to lie upon, and answers to our vulgarism, to lay one's self down to work. Compare Aristophanes, "Knights," 253 : kajpikeime... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:24

Gave sentence [ε π ε κ ρ ι ν ε ν]. Pronounced the final sentence. Only here in New Testament. 26 - 33. Compare Matthew 27:31-34; Mark 14:20-23.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:26

Laid hold on [ε π ι λ α β ο μ ε ν ο ι]. Compare the peculiar word used by Matthew and Mark. See on Matthew 5:41. 27 - 32. Peculiar to Luke. See Introduction, on the gospel of womanhood.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:31

Tree [ξ υ λ ω]. Originally wood, timber. In later Greek, a tree. Used of the cross by Peter, Acts 5:30; Acts 10:39; and 1 Peter 2:24. Compare Galatians 3:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:32

Two other. The possible omission of a comma before malefactors in the A. V. might make a very awkward and unpleasant statement. Better Rev., two others, malefactors. Put to death [α ν α ι ρ ε θ η ν α ι]. Lit., to take up and carry away; so that the Greek idiom answers to our taken off. So Shakespea... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:33

Calvary [κ ρ α ν ι ο ν]. The Greek word is the translation of the Hebrew Golgotha. See on Matthew 27:33. 35 - 43. Compare Matthew 27:39-44; Mark 14:29-32.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:35

Beholding. See on ch. Luke 10:18. Scoffed. See on ch. Luke 16:14. If he. The A. V. does not give the contemptuous emphasis on ou=tov, this fellow.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:41

Receive. Are receiving would be better. Amiss [α τ ο π ο ν]. Lit., out of place, and so strange, eccentric, perverse; as in 2 Thessalonians 3:2, where it is rendered unreasonable. The expression here answers nearly to our familiar phrase, "has done nothing out of the way." Compare Acts 28:6; no har... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:42

Into thy kingdom. Some texts read eijv, into, ejn, in. So Rev. In that case we must understand, "in thy kingly glory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:43

In Paradise [π α ρ α δ ε ι σ ω]. Originally an enclosed park, or pleasure - ground. Xenophon uses it of the parks of the Persian kings and nobles. "There (at Celaenae) Cyrus had a palace and a great park [π α ρ α δ ε ι σ ο ς], full of wild animals, which he hunted on horseback.... Through the midst... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:46

I commend [π α ρ α τ ι θ ε μ α ι]. See on ch. Luke 9:16. Gave up the ghost [ε ξ ε π ν ε υ σ ε ν]. Lit., breathed out (his life). Wyc., sent out the spirit. See on Matthew 27:50. 47 - 49. Compare Matthew 27:51-56; Mark 14:38-41.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:49

That followed [σ υ ν α κ ο λ υ θ ο υ σ α ι]. Lit., followed with [σ υ ν]. So Rev. See on Matthew 27:55.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:51

Consented [σ υ γ κ α τ α τ ε θ ε ι μ ε ν ο ς]. Only here in New Testament. Another of Luke's numerous compounds. the Greek student will be struck with the array of compounds, from ver. 49 to 56, inclusive. The verb means to put [τ ι θ η μ ι], down [κ α τ α], along with [σ υ ν]. Hence to put down th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:53

Linen [σ ι ν δ ο ν ι]. See on Mark 14:51; and compare Luke 16:19. Hewn in stone [λ α ξ ε υ τ ω]. Only here in New Testament, and not at all in classical Greek.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 23:56

Returned [υ π ο σ τ ρ ε ψ α σ α ι]. This word occurs thirty - two times in Luke, and only three times in the rest of the New Testament. It is a significant fact that, reckoning the aggregate space occupied by the four Gospels, nearly one - sixth of the whole amount is occupied with the account of th... [ Continue Reading ]

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