Vincent's Word Studies in the NT
Luke 23:42
Into thy kingdom. Some texts read eijv, into, ejn, in. So Rev. In that case we must understand, "in thy kingly glory."
Into thy kingdom. Some texts read eijv, into, ejn, in. So Rev. In that case we must understand, "in thy kingly glory."
LUKE 23:42 eivj th.n basilei,an {B} Although the reading of î75 B L _al_ has, from one point of view, the appearance of being a scribal correction (eivj being considered more appropriate than evn wit...
Verse 42. _LORD, REMEMBER ME_, c.] It is worthy of remark, that this man appears to have been the first who believed in the _intercession_ of Christ....
REMEMBER ME - This is a phrase praying for favor, or asking him to grant him an “interest” in his kingdom, or to acknowledge him as one of his followers. It implied that he believed that Jesus was wha...
CHAPTER 23 _ 1. The son of man before Pilate and Herod. (Luke 23:1)_ 2. Pilate Yields to the People's Will; Barabbas Freed and the Son of man Condemned. (Luke 23:13) 3. The Crucifixion of the Son Of...
THE CRUCIFIXION (Mark 15:22 *, Matthew 27:33 *). LUKE 23:34. Though not found in the best MSS. (_cf._ Luke 22:43 f.), this may be a
One of the criminals who were hanged kept hurling insults at Jesus. "Are you not the anointed one?" he said. "Save yourself and us." The other rebuked him. "Do you not even fear God?" he said. "For we...
LORD. Most Texts omit this, but not the Syriac which reads "my Lord". App-98. _A._ COMEST. shalt have come. INTO. in (Greek. _en),_ but some texts with Syriac read "into ": i.e. into possession of....
_Jesus, Lord_ Rather, OH, JESUS; the "Lord" is omitted in א, B, C, L. He may well have been encouraged by having heard the prayer of Jesus for His murderers, Luke 23:34. "_Oravit misericordia ut orare...
ἸΗΣΟΥ͂. ‘Oh, Jesus;’ the “Lord” is omitted in אBCL. He may well have been encouraged by having heard the prayer of Jesus for His murderers, Luke 23:34. “_Oravit misericordia ut oraret miseria_.” Aug....
Ver 38. And the superscription also was written over him in the letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39. And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, s...
ΜΝΉΣΘΗΤΙ _aor. imper. pass. (dep.) от_ ΜΙΜΝΉΣΚΟΜΑΙ (G3403) вспоминать (BAGD). Молитва-просьба, которую высекали на могильных камнях, о том, чтобы молящийся не был забыт в воскресении (Ε. Е. Ellis, "Pr...
DISCOURSE: 1587 OUR LORD’S ANSWER TO THE PENITENT THIEF Luke 23:42. _And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To-d...
LORD, REMEMBER ME— This man seems to have entertained a more spiritual, rational, and exalted notion of the Messiah's kingdom, than the disciples themselves at that time: they expected a _secular_ emp...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 2 Impaled (Luke 23:26-49) 26 And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Je...
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. AND HE SAID UNTO JESUS, LORD, REMEMBER ME WHEN THOU COMEST INTO THY KINGDOM, [ en (G1722) tee (G3588) basileia (G932) sou...
26 Compare Mat_27:32; Mar_15:21; Joh_19:17. 26 Tradition has sought to surround the cross with a false glamour by making it cross-shaped, instead of a single upright stake. The word "cross" itself has...
CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH OF JESUS (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:23; John 19:18). See on Mt and Jn. Peculiar to Lk are three of the Seven Words from the Cross, and the incident of the Converted Thief....
LORD, REMEMBER ME, etc.] RV 'Jesus, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom.' The thief here acknowledges Jesus to be the Messiah, a stupendous act of faith under the circumstances. 'He was reject...
TRIAL BEFORE PILATE AND HEROD. THE CRUCIFIXION AND BURIAL 1-5. The trial before Pilate begins (Matthew 27:1; Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:1; John 18:2
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 23 PILATE EXAMINES JESUS 23:1-7 V1 The whole group rose up and took Jesus to Pilate. V2 They began to accuse him. ‘We caught this man because he is c...
LORD, REMEMBER ME WHEN THOU COMEST INTO THY KINGDOM. — More accurately, _in Thy kingdom._ There is something singularly touching in the trust implied in the form of the appeal. He asks for no special...
καὶ ἔλεγεν · Ἰησοῦ, and he said: Jesus! not _to_ Jesus as T. R. signifies. ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ σ.: when Thou comest in Thy kingdom = when Thou comest as King to earth again, the petition meaning: may I be...
_The penitent malefactor_, peculiar to Lk. and congenial to the spirit of the Gospel of the sinful....
SAVING OTHERS BY NOT SAVING HIMSELF Luke 23:35-46 Rulers, soldiers, and malefactors all heaped their insults on the dying Lord, little realizing that they were all included in the great love which wa...
This is the story of the Cross, and, as in dealing with other Gospels, it is best read in reverent quietness and meditation. We see all the forces of evil as represented in the Jewish priests and in P...
THEY REVILE HIM ON THE CROSS Mark 15:29-32; Luke 23:35-43; Matthew 27:39-44. “ _And passing by_, _they continued to blaspheme Him_, _wagging their heads_, _and saying_, Thou that des
3 _d. Luke 23:39-46_. Matthew and Mark ascribe the same jestings to the _two_ thieves. The partisans of harmony at any price think that they both began with blasphemy, and that one of them afterwards...
We divide this piece into three parts: the way to the cross (Luke 23:26-32); the crucifixion (Luke 23:33-38); the time passed on the cross (39-46)....
"And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. (39) And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If th...
The last chapter gave in the judgment of present things, another world and eternal things in good and evil, the Lord's instruction for the disciples after the dealings of grace in Luke 15:1-32, and th...
_RECOGNISED AT LAST_ ‘Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.’ Luke 23:42 At last Christ is recognised. The secret is out. The mystery is solved. He was a King; and yet what a strange...
42._Lord, remember me. _I know not that, since the creation of the world, there ever was a more remarkable and striking example of faith; and so much the greater admiration is due to the grace of the...
The Gentiles, however, are not presented in this Gospel as being voluntarily guilty. We see, no doubt, an indifference which is flagrant injustice in a case like this, and an insolence which nothing c...
AND HE SAID UNTO JESUS, LORD,.... Acknowledging him to be the Messiah, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; the Lord of all, and especially of his church and people, and his own Lord. So the Syriac a...
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. Ver. 42. _Lord, remember me_] By this penitent prayer he made his cross a Jacob's ladder, whereby the angels descended to...
_And he said, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom_ Such was the prayer of a dying sinner to a dying Saviour. And as in his confession he discovered deep repentance toward God, so in th...
The crucifixion. Matthew 27:33-56....
WHEN THOU COMEST INTO THY KINGDOM; more literally, When thou comest in the kingdom; that is, when thou comest in glory as the King Messiah. This will be when he shall "appear the second time without s...
The penitent malefactor:...
DELIVERED TO PONTIUS PILATE (vs.1-5) It was still early morning when the Lord Jesus was brought to the judgment hall of Pilate, the Roman governor (John 18:28), for the Jews were determined to quick...
32-43 As soon as Christ was fastened to the cross, he prayed for those who crucified him. The great thing he died to purchase and procure for us, is the forgiveness of sin. This he prays for. Jesus w...
Gospel of Nicodemus II The Descent of Christ into Hell Immediately He accepted my entreaty, and said to me, Amen; I say to thee, To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise.[67]...
Luke 23:42 Then G2532 said G3004 (G5707) Jesus G2424 Lord G2962 remember G3415 (G5682) me G3450 when...
THE KING OF THE JEWS IS DECLARED, AND THE FIRST BENEFICIARY OF THE CROSS IS REVEALED (23:34-42). If we accept Luke 23:34 as part of the text this passage opens and closes with an emphasis on the forgi...
‘And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come in your Kingly Rule.” And he said to him, “Truly I say to you, Today you will be with me in Paradise.” ' And then he turned to Jesus. To his memory prob...
Luke 23:42. AND HE LAID, JESUS, REMEMBER ME, etc. He does not ask liberation from the cross, but is satisfied to cast himself on the personal love and care of the Being hanging in torture beside him....
Luke 23:39-43. THE PENITENT ROBBER. Peculiar to Luke. John makes no allusion to the conduct of the malefactors, while Matthew and Mark intimate that both scoffed at our Lord. While those accounts may...
Among the peculiarities of Luke's description we notice particularly the scene on the way to Calvary (Luke 23:27-32), and the story of the penitent robber (Luke 23:39-43). Both of these accord with th...
IN THY KINGDOM (εις την βασιλειαν σου, text of Westcott and Hort or εν τε βασιλεια σου, margin). Probably no difference in sense is to be found, for εις and εν are essentially the same preposition....
KINGDOM (_ See Scofield) - (Matthew 3:2). _...
Luke 23:42 I. We see here an illustration of the Cross in its power of drawing men to itself, II. We have here the Cross as pointing to and foretelling the kingdom. III. Here is the Cross as reveal...
Luke 23:42 Faith's Language. Note: I. The circumstances of this prayer. They were surely as unpropitious as any in which a heavy-laden sinner ever sought the Lord. How terribly short is the time he...
We have often read the story of our Saviour's sufferings; but we cannot read it too often. Let us, therefore, once again repair to «the place which is called Calvary.» As we just now sang, «Come, let...
Luke 23:27. And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep fo...
Luke 23:27. _And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him._ Their best Friend, the Healer of their sick, the Lover of their children, was about...
Luke 23:1 , _And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him saying, We found this_ Put in what word you like villains scoundrel our translators could not...
CONTENTS: Jesus before Pilate and Herod. Barabbas released and Jesus condemned. The cricifixion and entombment. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Pilate, Caesar, Herod, Barabbas, Simon, two thieves, Joseph. CONCLUS...
Luke 23:12. _The same day Pilate and Herod were made friends._ This occurrence is quoted in Acts 4:27, as an accomplishment of the prophecy in the second psalm. Luke 23:22. He said to them the third t...
THE OTHER ONE, HOWEVER. This one has a "change of heart," and rebukes his fellow criminal. Alford (Greek Testament) mentions that some feel this penitent criminal was a disciple of Christ. If he was,...
THEY TOOK JESUS AWAY. The most complete notes on the Crucifixion are found in Matthew 27:32-56. A LARGE CROWD OF PEOPLE FOLLOWED HIM. This shows that Jesus had a lot of sympathizers in Jerusalem. WOME...
_And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on Him_ THE IMPENITENT MALEFACTOR I. THIS MAN’S TREATMENT OF CHRIST suggests several things for our consideration. “He railed on Him.” 1. What i...
_Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom_ THE PENITENT ROBBER’S FAITH AND PRAYER I. HIS WONDERFUL FAITH. “When Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” When Charles I. of England, or Maximilian,...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 23:39 This material occurs only in Luke. HANGED is a synonym for “crucified” (see Acts 5:30; also...
Jesus is led away to be crucified Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-22;...
_And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into Thy kingdom._ "The heavenly and divine kingdom, to which Thou passest through the death of the cross, that shortly Thou mayest enter in...
CHAPTER 23 VER. 39. _And one of the malefactors which were hanged_ (this one, according to tradition, hung on the left hand of Christ) _railed_ _on Him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 23:32.—MALEFACTORS.—Called by St. Matthew and St. Mark “robbers.” Probably they were insurgents against Roman rule, who had been more like brigands than patriots. Luke 23:33. CA...
EXPOSITION LUKE 23:1 _The trial before Pilate_:_ First examination._ LUKE 23:1 AND THE WHOLE MULTITUDE OF THEM AROSE, AND LED HIM UNTO PILATE. The Sanhedrin had now formally condemned Jesus to dea...
And the whole multitude of them arose, and they led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, and sayi...
1 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 John 5:1; 1 John 5:11;...
THE CRUCIFIXION Luke 23:33 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We feel it would not be fitting for us to study the scenes of the Cross itself, without spending a few moments in considering Christ's Gethsemane exper...
Remember me when thou comest — From heaven, in thy kingdom — He acknowledges him a king, and such a king, as after he is dead, can profit the dead. The apostles themselves had not then so clear concep...