Trusted [η λ π ι ζ ο μ α ν]. More correctly, hoped. Imperfect : were hoping all the while.

Should have redeemed. Rev., more correctly, should redeem [λ υ τ ρ ο υ σ θ α ι]. See on 1 Peter 1:18.

Beside all this (sun pasin toutoiv). Lit., with all these things : his betrayal and crucifixion, etc.

Today is the third day (trithn tauthn hJmeran agei shmeron). The best texts omit today. The phrase forms an idiom which cannot be neatly rendered. Literally it is, "He (Christ) is passing [α γ ε ι] this day as the third." Rev., It is now the third day since, etc.

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Old Testament