Luke 3:2

Came [ε γ ε ν ε τ ο]. Lit., arose, or came to pass. John. The Synoptists intrduce him under different titles. Here, the son of Zacharias; Matthew, the Baptist; Mark, the Baptizer.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:3

The country about Jordan. Which both Matthew and Mark call the wilderness. See on Matthew 3:1. Baptism of repentance. Wyc., penaunce. For [ε ι ς]. Better as Rev., unto, denoting the destination of the rite. Remission [α φ ε σ ι ν]. See on James 5:15. The word occurs in Luke more frequently than in... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:4

Isaiah. In this prophetic citation Mark adds to Isaiah Malachi 3:1, which does not appear in either Matthew or Luke. Luke adds vv. 4, 5 of Isaiah 40, which do not appear in the others. Paths [τ ρ ι β ο υ ς]. From tribw, to rub or wear. Hence beaten tracks.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:5

Valley [φ α ρ α γ ξ]. Strictly, of a chasm or ravine in a mountain side. Shall be filled - brought low. In allusion to the practice of Eastern monarchs. On occasions of their progress, heralds were sent out to call on the people to clear and improve the old roads or to make new ones. "When Ibrahim P... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:7

He said [ε λ ε γ ε ν] to the multitudes that came forth [ε κ π ο ρ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο ι ς]. The use of the tenses is graphic. He said, the imperfect, and came forth, the present participle; both denoting action in progress, or customary action; so that the sense is, he kept saying, or he used to say to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:8

Fruits [κ α ρ π ο υ ς]. Matthew has the singular number, karpon, friut. Repentance [τ η ς μ ε τ α ν ο ι α ς]. Note the article : the repentance which you profess in coming to my baptism. Rev., in margin, "your repentance." See on Matthew 3:2. Begin. With the first accusing of your conscience. "He a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:10

Asked [ε π η ρ ω τ ω ν]. Imperfect tense, indicating the frequent repetition of these questions. Coats [χ ι τ ω ν α ς]. See on Matthew 5:40.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:12

Publicans [τ ε λ ω ν α ι]. From telov, a tax, and wjneomai, to buy. The collectors of Roman imposts. The Romans farmed out the direct taxes and customs duties to capitalists, on their payment of a certain sum in publicum, into the public treasury, whence they were called publicani, publicans. Someti... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:13

Exact [π ρ α σ σ ε τ ε]. The change of the Rev., to exhort is unfortunate. The word is used of the exaction of legal tribute, and excessive exaction is expressed by the following words : John would hardly have commanded them to extort in any case.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:14

Soldiers [σ τ ρ α τ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο ι]. Strictly, soldiers on service : hence the participle, seving as soldiers, instead of the more comprehensive term stratiwtai, soldiers by profession. Some explain it of soldiers engaged in police inspection in connection with the customs, and hence naturally asso... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:15

Mused [δ ι α λ ο γ ι ζ ο μ ε ν ω ν]. Better as Rev., reasoned. Compare chapter Luke 1:29; and see on James 2:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:16

One mightier [ο ι σ χ υ ρ ο τ ε ρ ο ς]. The definite article points to an expected personage. Hence better as Rev., he that is mightier. Unloose [λ υ σ α ι]. So also Mark; but Matthew bastasai, to bear. See on Matthew 3:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:18

Other [ε τ ε ρ α]. Rather, various, different. Preached [ε υ η γ γ ε λ ι ζ ε τ ο]. Rev., preserves the fuller meaning of the word according to its etymology : preached good tidings. See on Gospel, Superscription of Matthew. 19, 20. Compare Matthew 14:3-5; Mark 6:17-20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:19

Being reproved [ε λ ε γ χ ο μ ε ν ο ς]. See on James 2:9. Evils [π ο ν η ρ ω ν]. Of several words in the New Testament denoting evil, this emphasizes evil in its activity. Hence Satan is oJ ponhrov, the evil one. An evil eye (Mark 7:22) is a mischief working eye. See on Mark 7:22. Added [π ρ ο σ ε... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:22

The Holy Ghost. Better, Spirit. Matthew has the Spirit of God : Mark, the Spirit. In a bodily shape. Peculiar to Luke. Thou art my beloved son. Lit., Thou art my son, the beloved. So Mark. But Matthew, This is my son, the beloved.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:23

Began to be about thirty years of age [η ν α ρ χ ο μ ε ν ο ς ω σ ε ι ε τ ω ν τ ρ ι α κ ο ν τ α]. Peculiar to Luke. A. V. is wrong. It should be as Rev., when he began (to teach) was about thirty years of age. :Luke 4 CHAPTER IV 1 - 13. Compare Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13.... [ Continue Reading ]

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