Went [ε π ο ρ ε υ ε τ ο]. The imperfect tense is explained by what follows. He was going, was on the way, when he was met by the second messenger from the centurion.

Friends. Possibly kinsmen, not elders now.

Trouble [σ κ υ λ λ ο υ]. Lit., worry. See on Matthew 9:36; Mark 5:35.

Worthy [ι κ α ν ο ς]. Lit., sufficient. Compare Matthew 3:11, "worthy to bear;" and 2 Corinthians 3:5, "not that we are sufficient [ι κ α ν ο ι], but our sufficiency [ι κ α ν ο τ η ς] is of God." It is also used in the sense of much, many, long. See ch. Luke 7:12; Luke 8:27; Luke 8:32; Luke 20:9; Acts 9:23.

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Old Testament