And when the day began to wear away. Omit when. Render, and the day began, etc. To wear away [κ λ ι ν ε ι ν]. Lit., to decline. Wyc., very literally, to bow down.

Lodge [κ α τ α λ υ σ ω σ ι ν]. Peculiar to Luke. Primarily the verb means to break up or dissolve. Hence often in New Testament to destroy (Matthew 5:17; Mark 13:2). Intransitively, to take up one's quarters; lodge; either because the harness of the traveler's horses is loosed, or because the fastenings of their garments are untied. The kindred word kataluma, a guest - chamber, occurs, Mark 14:14; or inn, Luke 2:7.

Victuals [ε π ι σ ι τ ι σ μ ο ν]. Only here in New Testament. Properly a stock of provisions. Thus Xenophon. "Cyrus hastened the whole journey, except when he halted in order to furnish himself with supplies" [ε π ι σ ι τ ι σ μ ο υ ε ν ε κ α].

Desert [ε ρ η μ ω]. See on Matthew 14:15.

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Old Testament