Son of Timaeus. Mark, as usual, is particular about names. Blind. Diseases of the eye are very common in the East. Thomson says of Ramleh, "The ash - heaps are extremely mischievous; on the occurrence of the slightest wind the air is filled with a fine, pungent dust, which is very injurious to the eyes. I once walked the streets counting all that were either blind or had defective eyes, and it amounted to about one - half the male population. The women I could not count, for they are rigidly veiled" (" Land and Book "). Palgrave says that ophthalmia is fearfully prevalent, especially among children. "It would be no exaggeration to say that one adult out of every five has his eves more or less damaged by the consequences of this disease" (" Central and Eastern Arabia "). Beggar. See on Matthew 5:3.

49, 50. Peculiar to Mark, and adding greatly to the vividness of the narrative.

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Old Testament