With all thy heart [ε ξ ο λ η ς τ η ς κ α ρ δ ι α ς σ ο υ]. Lit., out of thy whole heart. The heart, not only as the seat of the affections, but as the center of our complex being - physical, moral, spiritual, and intellectual. Soul [ψ υ χ η ς]. The word is often used in the New Testament in its original meaning of life. See Matthew 2:20; Matthew 20:28; Acts 20:10; Romans 11:3; John 10:11. Hence, as an emphatic designation of the man himself. See Matthew 12:18; Hebrews 10:38; Luke 21:19. So that the word denotes "life in the distinctness of individual existence" [χ ρ ε μ ε ρ]. See farther on yucikov, spiritual, 1 Corinthians 14:44.

Mind [δ ι α ν ο ι α ς]. The faculty of thought : understanding, especially the moral understanding.

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Old Testament