The treasury. In the Court of the Women, which covered a space of two hundred feet square. All round it ran a colonnade, and within it, against the wall, were the thirteen chests or "trumpets" for charitable contributions. These chests were narrow at the mouth and wide at the bottom, shaped like trumpets, whence their name. Their specific objects were carefully marked on them. Nine were for the receipt of what was legally due by worshippers, the other four for strictly voluntary gifts. See Edersheim, "The Temple."

Beheld [ε θ ε ω ρ ε ι]. Observed thoughtfully.

Cast. Note the graphic present tense : are casting.

Money [χ α λ κ ο ν]. Lit., copper, which most of the people gave.

Cast in [ε β α λ λ ο ν]. Imperfect tense : were casting in as he looked.

Much [π ο λ λ α]. Lit., many things; possibly many pieces of current copper coin.

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Old Testament