Joseph of Arimathaea [ι ω σ η φ ο α π ο α ρ ι μ α θ α ι α ς]. Lit., Joseph, he from Arimathaea : the article indicating a man well known.

Honorable [ε υ σ χ η μ ω ν]. Compounded of eu, well, and schma, form, shape, figure. On the latter word, see on Matthew 17:2. In its earlier use this adjective would, therefore, emphasize the dignified external appearance and deportment. So Plato, noble bearing (" Republic, " 413). Later, it came to be used in the sense of noble; honorable in rank. See Acts 13:50; Acts 17:12.

Counsellor. A member of the Sanhedrim, as appears from Luke 23:51. Went in boldly [τ ο λ μ η σ α ς ε ι σ η λ θ ε ν]. Lit., having dared went in. Daring all possible consequences.

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Old Testament